Chapter 1

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The mystical and foreign land of Gensokyo once again flourished with the rising Sun that brightened the before dark skies of the atmosphere. The darkness shrieked, wincing and cowering away frantically to get away from the monsterous abomination that approached it. With a final gasp of pain, the darkness shredded away into obscurity and nothingness before the day arose, and the new beginnings of that very Thursday came into view -- and from that day, it was the wake-up call to most creatures. Miscellaneous creatures and certain Youkai did not get up, even despite the daytime's call to one's presence, especially with the likes of the gap youkai that everyone knew, Yukari Yakumo. Reimu had dealt with her on a daily basis, and despite her sole commitment to exterminating any youkai that cause any trouble or problems for the land, Yukari was another person entirely. How could you kill a youkai whose power exceeds your very own, not to mention her smug demeanor that makes your proud achievements you've gloat over seem insignificant.

Before the darkness had enveloped the land, several youkai had came out in search for dominating and roaming over every part that their eyes set forth. The smallest bit of what they assumed was another unfortunate being carelessly wondering out would be mercilessly attacked -- and if sufficient attention was garnered due to these attacks, an incident would be initiated and slapped upon the topic for it. These can range in many varieties, one of which was titled the Red Mist Incident, where a nocturnal, proud, grandoise vampiress Remilia Scarlet casted a spell that swelled the red mist into the sky before exploding in a glamorous fashion as the skies were coated with a thick, red fog. This was to ensure that her species was able to walk over the lands of Gensokyo without a hint of trouble. Remilia had known that her younger sister, Flandre, would be ignorant of the situation given the amount of time she's spent in the basement. Remilia merely considered this to be a protective measure due to her younger sister's frightening ability to destroy anything and everything, but if the plan went out without a hitch, she'd let her younger sister roam the land once more.

Unfortunately to the vampire, as everyone had knew, her plan was abruptly ended when two humans named Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame stopped it before it could get out of control. Should the mist continue its reign over the land, consequential events would occur. The vampiress could rule the land and no one would be bestowed their freedom or could even make them servants to her who do nothing but accomplish the tasks they're given -- or even worse, forced to do certain actions for the blue-haired vampire. The thought of being forced and coerced to do these certain actions made it all the more reason why this had to be stopped, and it was incredibly stopped by two humans instead of youkai. Aya Shameimaru, the black crow reporter that lets the whole land of Gensokyo know when it's being overrun, caught the whole predicament on camera -- and once it landed in the newspaper she had created herself, everyone was on edge.

But not everyone was on edge -- some merely closed their eyes and pretended that it never happened. Judging by their own power, they believed the vampire's power was not worth their time compared to how much they wielded within their grasp. One of the few individuals to not care for the incident lived in a house called Eientei -- a location that can only be accessed via the pathway in the bamboo forest. In this house, a species known as Moon Rabbits lived here, and since they came from the Moon, they were considered Lunarians and some entities held a grudge against them.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out and nervously walked out towards the front of the house to gaze upon the red mist that was covering the skies of Gensokyo. The entity was none other than Reisen Udongein Inaba, a Moon Rabbit that was clothed with a black suit fashioned with a red tie and a pink beige skirt. The Moon Rabbit placed her hands on her sides.

"How long is this red mist thing gonna last for? It's been days..." bemoaned the purple-haired rabbit, begrudgingly accepting the fact that she disliked seeing the usual skies of Gensokyo abolished with a scarlet red color. When the reporter issued the report, Tewi was assigned to receive the newspaper and carry it back to their residence. Reisen was given the chance to read it, and ever since then she's been waiting for the day that the pompous vampire finally gets served something better and knows her place. When she first read it, the moon rabbit was not in her ordinary clothing due to having to get a good nights rest after an evening of playtime with Tewi. Indeed, Tewi was like a little sister to Reisen, so she always considered it her duty to help her and enjoy time with her.

However, when she awoke to Tewi handing her a newspaper regarding the incident, her eyes widened like an expanding yoga ball -- but how could she be sure that Tewi wasn't pulling something on her? What if she managed to convince the reporter and try to manipulate her again? It certainly wouldn't be the first time. It was in her nature after all. Sometimes when Reisen was walking back home to Eientei, she would suddenly fall down a rabbithole that the younger moon rabbit had planned for her. This would always be met with exasperation from the older moon rabbit, but she has gotten used to Tewi pulling this on her from time to time. Nevertheless, Reisen went to confront the reporter, but when she saw that the skies were indeed covered with a thick, red mist, she immediately knew that Tewi hadn't manipulated her. Dressing in her signature clothing, she went to go speak to her Owner, Kaguya Hourasian, regarding the incident.

"M-Master! The red mist in the skies are true! I will go confront the ones responsible for this incid-"
"That won't be necessary, my dear rabbit." Kaguya said, interrupting the bunny with a cocky tone of voice.
"B-But Master! What if-"
"The humans will take care of it eventually, or some other youkai. Just relax, Reisen. We have better things to do." The moon princess' response never changed.

So now the maximum that Reisen could do was stand outside and watch everything unfold. Occasionally, she would see a visitor pass by Eientei, commenting and pointing at the scarlet covered skies. Absolutely nothing was of interest to the rabbit due to being unable to participate or investigate why all of this has been taking place. She wanted to at least get a closer glimpse of what was happening. Perhaps a human was trying to stop the incident? A youkai? What if even one of those legendary youkai's appeared? The purple-haired rabbit's mind continued to tempt her until she could not stop herself anymore, and she began heading to the bamboo forest in need of getting a better look.

And unbeknownst to the rabbit, this would be one of the biggest mistakes of her life that would have unforeseen consequences.

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