Chapter 10

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Tewi remained sprawled out on the mattress after sleeping, waking up to overhear that Eirin had to go egress in search for mandatory items necessary for the princess. The small rabbit acknowledged the simplicity yet unnerving fidelity the doctor wielded for Kaguya - after all, Kaguya mostly acted on whims contributing to boredom. And plus, Tewi had especially heard Kaguya left Eientei as well to go have another bout with her loathsome rival, Mokou.

Nevertheless, Tewi patiently waited for Reisen. Of course, there was a few tasks that had to tend to such as checking on the fellow rabbits she had brought to Eientei. When she made a deal to Eirin, she was given the right to assist Eientei's in its endeavors, although in return for a small favor. It was amusing how Reisen would be a caretaker of Tewi when she was older than the taller rabbit - not to mention having more experience. So, the young rabbit had established she was only watched after because of the many pranks and weaknesses she could suffer that Reisen exceeded.

But she couldn't help but wonder what weaknesses could Reisen suffer should she be placed in the right situation. Ever since the moon rabbit had been acting lately strange, Tewi wondered if there was a potential weakness she suffered that warped her mind into the way it is now. Secretly, the smaller rabbit would use her manipulation of good luck on Reisen if she had to in-case she did not do anything too dramatic; now, the waiting game had began, and it was boring her to the core.

Tewi heard the door click open from afar, motioning her to sit up in her bed and investigate who she thought was at the door.

"Tewi," The one who entered the residence called out, making her way to her room.

"Hey, Reisen," Tewi enthusiastically jumped out to spot the moon rabbit's face brightening upon seeing her presence in the building. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Tewi," Reisen confirmed. "I just was going out and taking a break, remember?"

"But you were gone for a while! Where did you go! What happened," the smaller rabbit jumped up and down with her hands clenched, wanting to know everything that the moon rabbit had experience along her hiatus.

"Well, I ran into Yukari first. You know, that gap youkai," Reisen asked to be sure Tewi was following along.

"Yeah, I do! Did everything go alright?"

"Not exactly," Reisen turned her head away from the rabbit, unable to even look her in the eyes after such mortification. She couldn't afford to spill the truth to the young rabbit, but the conversation she had with Junko was the blueprint for why she should be straightforward and truthful with Tewi. Still, she didn't know how to proceed. "I sort of lost it when I was the literal way, though."

"The literal wayyyy," Tewi dramatically squealed in surprise. "What do you mean?! Did you go crazy or something? You have control over that, don't you?"

"I do, but ever since that little encounter I had with Mokou, I've been...not myself."

"Hey, don't leave me out of the details," Tewi exclaimed. "Tell me! Geez, it's not like I'm 8 or something!"

"I wasn't saying that, Tewi! Ugh. Anyway, as I was saying, Junko helped me understand that my manipulation of insanity ability may have backfired on me." Reisen said, wondering if Eirin was here at the moment. "Is Eirin here by any chance?"

"Don't go off topic! Yes, Reisen! Eirin left for items or whatever." Tewi pointed to where her door was located, but Reisen already knew the location of the door. She merely wanted to know if she was there.

"Okay," Reisen put her hands on her hips. "After that whole weird incursion with Yukari, I met Mokou and Keine. They led me to the school to try to help me, but then I lost control again and..." Reisen hesitated with her next words, trembling slightly. "I ended up cutting her..."

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