Chapter 14

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The Garden of the Sun's everlasting beauty and grandiose appearance was nearly beguiling to any individual who believed it wasn't a far-fetched idea that "entering" the garden would be without consequences - to those who saw it from the outside, the luxurious appearance must mean the one who dwelled there was pleasant as well in symmetrical similarities. However, this misguided judgment would become a warehouse of regrets soon after stepping on the soil either accidentally or intentionally.

Any circumspect individual or one whom was familiar with the landscape or residents of Gensokyo would know better than to invade the property of that region, but for those who didn't, they would meet a terrifying figure never to evanesce from their mind.

This figure was Yuuka Kazami, fortifying her garden against those whose imperiousness resulted in the ejection or demolition if necessary of their own being. To those who merely wished to visit her garden, the youkai's mien was accompanied between sadistic glee and innocent teasing - albeit, they may feel mortified ramifications wrap around their body to squeeze every grain of confidence tucked in their ignorant mind.

Yuuka was the whetstone to those who thought they were above consequences in short, but that knowledge did not bode well with Yuuka as a result of this ignorance now resulting in the destruction of one sunflower. The dyspeptic youkai remained in its location to watch its roots bleed onto the ground. Maybe I should have killed that rodent, Yuuka thought, staring down at the deceased sunflower. But I know that doctor will revive it soon.

As Yuuka continued to lament, two individuals floated in her vicinage that went unnoticed by the youkai alone - both beings keeping leery watch, knowing better than to impetuously invade and get on the wrong side of the lime-haired youkai.

"Junko," Eirin whispered from above. "Do you have a plan should this go wrong?"

"You do not need to worry," Junko studied in fascination at the unknown resident of Gensokyo. "I am certain our power far outmatches her. However, I am not one to underestimate after previous experiences with the Lunarians; I will keep watch from behind. If I notice her displaying any animosity whatsoever, then I will interfere."

Eirin glanced over at Junko whom returned the look with a solemn nod.

"Very well. Let's proceed."

Junko flew to the other side of the garden, away from the sight of the youkai still going on about said flower. The doctor descended until her shoes made contact with the dirt, and Eirin landed on it firmly enough for it to audibly ring the earlobes to Yuuka that uninvited guests were around. With a growl of indignation, Yuuka craned her neck quickly to face who was the insolent pest clambering abound when she was busy.

However, when she spotted the figure, the glower on her face brightened to one of pleasant surprise.

"Ah, Eirin. There you are," Yuuka stood from where she was squatting. "I take it your little pesky servant told you about the sunflower?"

The doctor was taken back by a flabbergasting question as it swirled to violently remind Eirin of her own nescience. In that same moment, Yuuka pointed to the decimated sunflower bending lopsidedly for the root to smear its green blood onto the grime, giving Eirin sufficient information to construct an inference based on what had happened here. It only meant one thing...

"Did Tewi come here and dismantle the sunflower," Eirin asked, hoping she wasn't right and praying she was overthinking.

"Yes, she did," Yuuka's riposte drained the sanguine expression upon the doctor's face, only eliciting a smug smile to the flower youkai, twirling a vine in her fingers in amusement at knocking the doctor of Gensokyo's placid demeanor into nothingness with a single word - the cannon ball slammed into Eirin's stomach, as Eirin hoped the worst would not be announced. "Still, I didn't kill her though. Your servant or lackey thereof is very much alive."

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