Chapter 3

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Reisen's POV:
Running, running, running from the terror that was stricken in my mind as it inched ever so closer maliciously to me and insidiously that corrupted my rational thoughts to smudges of incoherent processes of thought. I couldn't think, I couldn't know what was happening to me. Everything was tearing away at the seams, from the outside.

I clenched my head and tried to soothe the anguish I was experiencing. I kept running back to Eientei, my head pouring with a cold sweat that awakened my senses, and yet, it did not help either. I could see the redness on the ground -- the ordinary infliction of insanity upon others that I used my Lunatic Red Eyes to accomplish did not go as planned. I tried to figure out all of how this could've happened, but illusions of...her. They were appearing everywhere and ripping me apart. I screamed, and yet it was absorbed by the darkness. I cried, and that too was absorbed by the darkness. I tried to think.

And yet, that too was absorbed by the darkness.

I felt like I couldn't run any longer -- my mind crumbling into smithereens as more figures appeared -- watching with malevolent glee at how helpless I was -- how vulnerable and utterly weak I displayed with the facial expressions upon my face. I needed to escape. I needed to get out of her before I lose myself.

Panting painstakingly, restlessly, and despondently, the atmosphere was far too encroached with a thick layer of blackness in the darkness for me to know where I was going anymore. Everything, all of this, had gone so wrong so quickly -- erroneously looking for trails to get back to where I needed to be -- but the answer cowered away to tell me nevermore.

I held out my hand -- a grasp of what I hoped would comfort me only sparked turmoil and miscontruction -- was I to be a misanthrope from the truth? Why can't I know what I'm doing? What is happening? Is this? What? My desideratums were never to be bestowed -- and the forthcoming of unconsciousness finally sealed into my mind.


I felt a breath of fresh air with the coming of the rising Sun to wake me from what felt like a comforting blanket. The familiar scent of my room came into view. Groaning, I rubbed my head -- soothing the pounding headache I was experiencing.

"Are you alright, Udonge?" questioned what sounded like a voice that I had known throughout my entire life -- it was there, here. I abruptly opened my eyes to see who was it that presented me with the question.

"M-Master, is that you?" My eyelids slowly opened to confirm my suspicions -- albeit, in a blurry fashion.

"Yes, Udonge. What happened? Why did you travel out to the Bamboo Forest of the Lost?" The doctor's expression told me that I was in big trouble if I didn't answer -- after all, she is my superior and teacher.

"I-I got curious, okay!" I raised my voice accidentally, putting a hand on my mouth due to the sudden outburst I made. Master only folded her arms in sheer disappointment of what I did. It seems like I had a lot of explaining to do.

"Didn't Princess allocate this enough to you," she held her hand up in a inquisitive tone, "You were to not travel to the forest, for the incident is not of our concern."

"I had to at least get a closer look! I wanted to...I wanted to..." I felt a wavering amount of guilt take over me that disrupted my functioning. I put a hand over my face before quietly apologizing to my Master over and over. I knew it may have been annoying, but what was I to do to explain any of this to her?

"Udonge, settle. Just please do not go into the forest again. Stay here with us. There's plenty to do." Master's response never changed, and I knew it for the better. I felt her extend her arm and put it on my shoulder to give me a sense of comfort. She quietly listened to me cry softly with a nearly expressionless face. I'm sure she cared. Maybe. Or maybe it was just what I assumed. Master had been performing experiments on me in order to aliments and various doses on me for certain cures. I felt like nothing but a test subject at times, but that never changed my view on them.

I removed my hands from my face to gaze into her eyes -- but that's where her head perked up. She inches closer to me and examined a part of my face. I was confused at first until-

"Udonge, did you get into a fight with someone?" Her cold expression locked with me -- an unlocked pad finally being locked. I had to answer her, no matter what. It was the only thing that mattered.

"Y-Yes, I ran into...I ran into...Fujiwara No Mokou."

"That little-" I could hear my Master's voice pick up in anger as her face now contorted. She suddenly stopped comforting me and immediately stood up -- about to tell the princess -- but she stopped herself and tried to get a grasp on just what she was doing. Being a genius level intellect, I'm sure that's the reason why she stopped.

"I know you got hurt but is it bad?" She questioned me, placing a hand on my cheek where the bruise was.

" was a light punch. It didn't hurt that much." I told her earnestly.

"Why did you get into a fight with her? Was it her fault or yours?"

Upon hearing that question, I felt chills go through my body because obviously it was my fault. I decided to explore, and that goddamn immortal human only wanted me to go back. I insisted that I wouldn't, so she had to fight me and beat me up enough until I was convinced. But that was when I tried to use my Lunatic Red Eyes, only for it to cause immense anguish that made me run back to Eientei. I hated how incapable I was, but it was likely for the better.

"It was my fault...I...she only wanted me to go back because the incident wasn't worth my concern."

"Udongein, as much as I hate to say it, you really should've listened to her."

I could feel my eyes well up with tears again -- this moment had been nothing but a cacophony of pain and suffering to me. I just wanted to get out...I just wanted for all of this to end.

"I'd also like to say the princess put me in charge of finding you. Tewi didn't look for you because we considered it to be too dangerous."

"Is that how I got back here safely?"

"Yes, in a manner of speaking, but you were unconscious when I found you. You were especially screaming. I don't know what happened, but I could only assume it was because of Mokou." I could detect the venom of spite she had for Mokou.

"I'll be fine, Master. I just..." My head felt heavy all of a sudden, and I felt the need to sleep once again. The headache was still here -- still pounding away at me mercilessly. The white-haired doctor could see that. I know she probably wouldn't want me to, but I decided I needed some comfort.

That's when I laid my head on her lap.

My Master was taken aback for a moment, but she merely put a hand on my head and petted me comfortably, whispering sweet nothings to me as I could feel myself drifting off to sleepiness. After some pets, she put a hand on my back to convey a sense of comfort as well.

I wanted to stay like this forever -- no more terrors and act like none of this had ever happened, but I know it would continue furthermore

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I wanted to stay like this forever -- no more terrors and act like none of this had ever happened, but I know it would continue furthermore. Perhaps something will come up in the future that will change all of us, but until then, I'm happy to just live in this moment until it ends.

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