Chapter 7

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Keine's POV:
It has been a couple of days since Mokou had told me about what happened regarding the incident that took place when she was fighting some sort of rabbit named Reisen. I did not know what to make of it because it seemed so strange for one of Kaguya's servants or whatnot to be roaming around The Bamboo Forest of the Lost given its nature, but since it has to do with residents of Eientei, I'm sure they knew there way around it. Of course, I didn't expect it would be as much as Mokou did.

Being a history school teacher, I did wonder the history behind The Bamboo Forest of the Lost. However, given that it was the human village where I taught my students, indoctrinating them about that would be unnecessary and perhaps violative to the hidden nature of Gensokyo. So, as your regular history teacher, I was compassionate and friendly with students and humans.

Mokou is surprisingly, despite her immortality, still a human. As her friend, she had told me many attributes regarding her, and I have too done the same. We live in the same house together where we enjoy meals and the daily life with each other as we always do. I do worry what I could do to her in my Hakutaku at times, but she has reassured me she could handle it better than I think. Additionally, she has told me I'm amiable to her in that form anyway. I did not need to be so stressed out after all.

Well, stressed out about that at least. I had much more work to be stressed out about such as the paperwork I have to do at home on a daily basis. There have been times where I had tried to do all of the paperwork but fell asleep and only did half of it. I went to my class and tried to maintain my posture, but I fainted in front of my students and woke up in Mokou's house. Even someone such as me has my weaknesses that, when I'm put into the right situation, they'll pierce into my skin and drain my energy -- causing me to faint.

Mokou had recently cooked some rice for me before heading out. I did not know where she was going, but I found it very unsatisfying that it was likely just another fight to the death with Kaguya -- annoyingly so, as well. I tried to tell Mokou that fighting against another immortal and dying over and over was absolutely pointless until you can make peace with them because that grudge will only weaken her heart and keep her dazed -- fighting for something meaningless which will have no fruitful result. Mokou always insisted that she sometimes had nothing better to do or that she hoped Kaguya would capitulate one day, but after it happening incessantly throughout the years, it just started to bug me instead.

I felt bad for being unable to convince Mokou otherwise given that she is my friend, but I've managed to accept it as a burden that she had to deal with all the time. It pains me to see Mokou hurt and never having at least a week of peace because they would be at each other's throats weekly or even less than that. I was hoping that perhaps something would change after a millennium of their lifetime -- given that since I am a human but with a different form, I still have the same lifespan as a human. Thus, I'm hoping that I can live the rest of my days in happiness, but Mokou's grudge with Kaguya makes it difficult for me.

"Paperwork...I have to get it done. Ugh." I sighed heavily while on my knees at my desk -- scribbling to get the necessary paperwork done for my students tomorrow. It wasn't too difficult -- heavens no, but the tedious nature of it was what bothered me so much. Every weekday, when I was done with school, I was always stuck at home for 30 mins to potentially 3 hours or so. I've grown used to it over the years of my job and dedication to the school, so it wasn't like it was the worst thing to have ever occurred to me.

I began to grade more tests, giving them the necessary look over, and then handing it off to the side of me that laid flat on the other side of a desk where I put the papers. It was a good idea to be organized after all, and I knew this all too well. Having recent flashbacks to moments where my disorganization had let to me being incredibly stressed to a point where even Mokou was worried, I've learned to teach myself ironically rather than my students the benefits of being organized -- as the old saying went, a cluttered desk could have some semblance to the mind. But even after the knowledge of that fact, I pressed a hand to my forehead and groaned wearily -- wanting to rest after such a long day.

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