Chapter 6

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Tewi staggered as she was able to get out of the ropes, thanks to the help of Reimu who had cut the rope when Sakuya and Kaguya had taken care of their business. Even though the shrine maiden knew Tewi was a prankster who would cause some mischief every now and then, keeping Tewi stuck in ropes hanging upside down on a roof was certainly not healthy, and given the slight chance to die due to blood flowing to the brain, how could she not?

Reimu was meant to be a hero to the land of Gensokyo -- resolving incidents, giving youkai who were threatening to the land a well-deserved rebuttal, but when it came to those who were innocent seemingly, Reimu's sense of assistance came to her -- seeping into her mind fluidly. But before she was going to free Tewi, she had to be sure that she wanted to be free. She already knew the answer, but she couldn't resist teasing the small rabbit quite a bit before letting her go.

"Do you want out, um, who are you again?" The shrine maiden pointed at the young rabbit who was fidgety in her "restraints".

"Let me out! And the name is Tewi, dingus!" Tewi shouted in anger as she loathingly gazed at Reimu's eyes, who didn't flicker or flinch at all. Like a statue, her eyes and posture did not change at all to such a comment received from the poor, misguided rabbit. Yet still, she could tease her further. It wasn't like the rabbit could simply chew through the ropes and attack her merely because she would hit her head on the ground and worsen the blood flowing to her brain. So, it was the lesser of three evils: Continue to tease the rabbit playfully, don't do anything and see if she ends up hitting her head on the ground, or let the blood flow to her brain and kill her. Reimu wasn't particularly fond of killing anybody, especially if the blood was on her hands, so she would let the rabbit out soon regardless.

"Hm, I'll consider it when you actually show me some decency," Reimu flapped her hand to cool herself down. "How about saying please, for example?"

"You little! Urgh...okay! Please?"

"Alright, just hold still, and this'll be a cinch." Reimu carefully cut the rope but made sure that Tewi would land safely on the ground. Moving at what appeared to be nearly light speed, Reimu landed on the ground after cutting the rope and caught Tewi. Not wanting to make it awkward, she quickly placed the black-haired lunarian on the ground after successfully completing the task she laid before herself.

"There. Geez, was that so hard?" questioned Reimu, unamusingly looking at Tewi. Tewi did not say anything. After such a rough day and tiresomely trying to deal with loads of people, handing out cards, and getting caught in ropes, Tewi just had enough. The feeling was mutual though to what that foul shrine maiden said to her.

That was how everything had led up to this moment


Tewi opened the doors to Eientei, peering into the inside, hoping to see maybe Reisen or Eirin nearby. When she did not find anybody in there, she had wondered if Reisen had wondered out into The Bamboo Forest of the Lost and lied to her. That little, but Tewi's thought was interrupted when she heard what sounded like calm, slow breathing. Glancing to the right downwards, Reisen laid comfortably on her futon that helped support her back. She was far too exhausted to find the necessary items that would make it much cozier -- so she just opted to collapse on a futon funnily enough.

She's such a goof, Tewi shook her head. She didn't feel like being around Reisen while she's sleeping would do any good. Listening to her breathing? Wasn't that a little odd to do?

Well, perhaps just for this one night.

Tewi managed to get her hands on her futon, setting it beside Reisen. The purple-haired lunarian did suddenly move in her sleep upon hearing the futon hitting the floor due to her rabbit ears hearing far better than a human's. As Tewi comfortably patted her futon, she settled down on the cushion before feeling her mind take a shower in blissfully content. Tewi was annoyed with how this day went just for the restless desire to get back at an immortal hurting what she considered was her older sister, but it was good to finally not have to worry about it anymore. Just for 7 more hours.

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