Chapter 13

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"That took way too long," a jaded tone shined in the voice of none other than Eirin Yagokoro, having finally completed the task at hand.

In her recent trip not too long ago involving the stashing of fruits, herbs, and extracting steroids from the Outside World to concoct her latest medicine, the doctor's stolid demeanor was adversarial to a normally prideful human being after unlocking a hard-earned achievement through perserverence and patience. But Eirin had learned the unnecessary theatrics of indulging in doltish celebrations when she was more focused on her reconnaissance if anything, especially her millennium of living to observe the way life fluctuated according to its own needs.

Along the way, Eirin encountered flame and moon clashing with one another in what she considered was a charade based on the principle of discovering a cure to boredom when all else failed. The two immortals dazzled, danced, and skin met skin as elbows collided with the others'. When Eirin passed, she wasn't surprised at all to see they cared not for her presence - hell, even Kaguya ignored her, too wrapped in the scuffle she engaged once again in with Mokou.

Eirin on more than one occasion contemplated on the reason why she pledged fidelity to the princess long ago. Her manipulation of eternity and the moment was admirable, two qualities useful to her studies that gave birth to the Hourai Elixir, but what split the line between two was that Eirin could not take her mind off of work. Everyday when arose to another morning on even weekends, the doctor would trample down to her office and exercise energy on new ideas that could upgrade Eientei's from its declining state.

Reisen, her trusty student, would always concur to experiments done on her - a feat Eirin admired. The multifarious experiments should've discouraged the taller rabbit from agreeing to possible suffering, but Reisen was trusting of Eirin to administer a cure should an accident occur during the testing.

However, for a couple of days, Reisen had been out of commission. This unanticipated conundrum minorly disturbed the doctor, whom was too busy on retrieving items for a new cure posthaste. Besides, the rabbit could always use a small hiatus to take time to breathe and explore her own world. A fruitful break would beneficially assuage Reisen should she have any stress over the injections done.

As Eirin traveled through the air to arrive at Eientei soon, the doctor felt the clouds douse her in water droplets flowing down her body. Eirin had been weary throughout her journey thus far, and the rain's gratuitous poking evoked no response from the doctor. Eirin sighed in annoyance at how Tenshi was likely having another Danmaku bout with Reimu, the underdog shrine maiden of Gensokyo. The doctor could rest easy knowing Reimu would "clean" the skies, but having to protect her luggage with her own body bothered Eirin enough to using a forcefield, which thankfully worked to block out the rain.

Landing on the foot of the porch, Eirin opened the door and made no attempt rushing through the hallways from the eerie darkness enclosing the space around her. The doctor had thought nyctophobia was a puerile but understandable fear to have in the past - past experiences in the darkness and an innumerable lifetime of existence had erased many common fears she had to undergo.

Eirin stepped into her room and flicked the light switch on. With the light evaporating the blackness of the room, Eirin was stunned to see paperwork of hers scattered about instead of the usual workspace she organized thoroughly everyday. The doctor facepalmed with a groan grasping beforehand Tewi had made her office strewn sloppily with a haphazard fashion.

"Such a troublesome rabbit, aren't you, Tewi," Eirin mumbled to nobody in particular. Folding papers and moving furniture around until her room was back to its pristine condition, Eirin immediately sat down in her office chair and did the only activity she did everyday: Research, conduct experiments, and review the ideas she had regarding her future projects. At least I can get some peace and quiet, Eirin thought. I've got some serious work to do.

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