Bonus Chapter: Aftermath

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"Hahaha! Got you," a puerile voice sounded from the small rabbit known as Tewi, laughing in jolly at how the sagacious spirit got stuck in one of her pranks again.

" seems you have caught me," Junko played along, burrowed in the rabbit hole that stained a partial proportion of her clothes with soil being sprinkles on the cake of her attire.

"Tewi, quit pranking Junko! You know better," The moon rabbit objurgated Tewi, grabbing the black-haired rabbit to give her a noogie, much to Tewi's dismay but it was the quintessential comeuppance for her ill-gotten satisfaction from "pranking" the sagacious spirit in a hole due to Tewi's petulant nature.

"Ah, 'tis fine, Reisen," Junko flew out of the rabbit hole that ensnared her earlier in its unsanitary jaws. "You do not need to worry. I can remove the impurities on my outfit erelong."

"Huh? Again," Reisen quizzically peered at Junko, letting go of Tewi instinctively. "Come on Junko, why are you so okay with Tewi's pranks? They stain your outfit."

Junko reveled in the youthful demeanor Tewi would display throughout her life. Despite Tewi being older than Reisen, the strange contradiction that age determined who was in charge and instead of height tacitly regaled the sagacious spirit in her quest to learning more about these two.

It is only polite, is it not," Junko asked, dusting herself off.

"Uhm, to be honest, that only confused me even more," Reisen raised an eyebrow, scratching her head at why urbanity would have any relevance with allowing impish behavior. After each question was gunned down, only 2 more questions would appear in a line of targets at a shooting range, with Junko being the targets for each one.

Suddenly, footsteps rustled the grass in Reisen, Tewi, and Junko's vicinity - the audible steps were beseeching deliberately for attentiveness because it was sufficient in casting their attention away from the chat they had. All three individuals motioned their eyes to see it was only the diligent doctor of Eientei, Eirin Yagokoro, carrying plant seeds in her head in a carousel of vexation, mumbling to herself until they came into view.

"Reisen? Tewi? Junko," Eirin tried to postulate why they may be there, but all signs grew tenebrous with turmoil. "What brings you here?"

"The question is mutual, Eirin," Junko greeted in her own way.

"Yeah! I want to know what you're doing here," Tewi aggressively concurred with Junko, jumping up and down erratically which caused her left arm to rattle and move uncomfortably, cracking slightly from its disturbance. "Owwwwww!"

"T-Tewi!" Eirin exclaimed, unceremoniously gripping her arm to hold it steady and examine its position. The doctor checked its reaction to touch, seeing the diminutive rabbit appear queasy from certain locations she applied pressure. "Tewi, please refrain from being jumpy," Eirin reiterated for the second time. "I'll have to keep setting the bone if you can't control yourself."

"S-Sorry!" Tewi squeaked, not wishing to seem disobedient in the presence of Eirin. "Why can't you control me, Reisen," Tewi shifted the blame to the taller rabbit. "Isn't that your job, huh?!"

Eirin and Junko both basked in the coliseum supporting two main characters kicking a beach ball of "It's your fault" to one another in silent curiosity.

"Why are you pointing fingers at me," Reisen held her hands up innocently due to the smaller rabbit approaching Reisen, having to step backwards. "I feel like that's more of a you problem."

Tewi growled in infuriation, albeit having to swallow the bitter pill of not lunging at the moon rabbit and proving to her she was the superior one. "Fine! But when this bone is healed," the black-haired rabbit pointed at her arm. "I'll get you!"

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