Chapter 11

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What do you think of your possessions that you own? Do you take them for granted? Do you harvest what you own? Do you think of them as mere souvenirs? If the answer to all those questions was no, then what would you do if that very item you've had in your inventory or home was gone? What if it mysteriously vanished or, more specifically, what if there was an item you had to retrieve at the cost of someone's life?

The most logical decision you can make at the moment is deduce and consider the possibilities and probabilities of what may happen before you set out to discover it, but let's say you knew the possibilities of what would occur. If you tried to retrieve the item someone else owned for another person, will your explanation be sufficient or will you have to settle it over violence?

You know you don't have to put yourself through this, but given that it's for someone that significantly impacts you, being tied with a friendship bond of red string, how could you refuse? It's for the life or betterment of someone you adore and for the greater good that somebody may not comprehend, and you'd gladly risk your life in-order to achieve your goal.

With all of this in mind, how will everything fair out between Yuuka and Tewi?


Stepping out onto the porch of Eientei, Tewi groaned in disturbance at The Bamboo Forest of the Lost being right in-front of her. She knew her way around the labyrinth mostly but with the weight of desperation heaving her down, getting lost wouldn't be beneficial at all. Through these narrow pathways leading to a location, it was only a matter of time until Tewi had to unfortunately leave the halls of the home to explore Gensokyo - albeit with a task in mind.

The small rabbit lightly trickled through the all-encompassing forest that somewhat blocked out the sunlight, impairing her vision to a squinting point. The dirt and soil crunches beneath her shoes, disgusting the rabbit with how everything was in such disarray. Undergoing the same treatment of walking to the endpoint of the forest didn't perturb her as much as it used to, but it was still a nuisance.

With each crunch the dirt made, Tewi daydreamed on where she should go first. One was characterized by dreadful foreboding as Tewi knew damn well who she would meet, and she mentally prepared herself when the time would come to exchange. The other was more vague and unknown, as Tewi did not know how to garner a simple sample of pure water unless it existed somewhere in Gensokyo. A lake? Perhaps she could visit Nitori Kawashiro to ask for some pure water. Surely it wouldn't hurt that much to get it.

Flabbergastingly, Tewi found herself unbelievably hot after trudging along the path. The black-haired rabbit brought some water with her, so she stopped somewhere down the path to discourteously chug the water, feeling the cool liquid flood into her mouth. The sweat droplets formed from her forehead, allowing the rabbit to now be content with the temperature. But Tewi wasn't one to not question what was making the air so hot? Did Utsuho interfere with the air molecules again to generate immense heatwaves, Tewi thought. The answer enigmatically did not reply back.

The end of the maze was nigh, and Tewi deduced this like a cakewalk. The sunlight beams struck with the force of a charging yak into the rabbit - however, it suddenly assuaged away, extinguished and out of reach. Tewi no longer carried abstracts in her mind shoving her into believing nothing was amiss because emphatically Utsuho had done something to the weather. Or was it Yukari Yakumo manipulating the boundaries of heat?

Regardless, Tewi proceeded.

In her traveling thus far, Tewi instinctively craned her neck to the lake far out, spotting a figure she had never seen before settling down amongst the shining water that gorgeously sparkled with its mystical glow. The figure seemed to have noticed her appearance, turning her head to gaze back at Tewi, waving gently with bliss. The figure was located near the outer-edges of the lake, drawing her concentration onto the abnormal, quiet volume whisking in the brisk air to inflict a pleasant smell.

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