Chapter 6

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Glenn came over the next morning, holding a paper bag. He came in and opened it carefully, taking out a glass tumbler. Prints were clearly visible.

"Let's go see Mrs. Lavinia." Claudine Lavinia was a kind, brave woman who knew the truth about Lovecraft Middle School. She was the school's librarian, and fought with espionage against the evil machinations at the school. She was a double agent. 

Forty-five minutes later, two boy scouts knocked on her door.  Mrs. Lavinia answered it. "Hello, would you like to buy some popcorn?" 

"I don't want any . . . oh, well, yes, of course. Come right in and I'll take a look at your sales catalogue."  They went in, Mrs. Lavinia looking both ways before she closed the door. "Good disguises, Robert and Glenn. I almost didn't recognize you. You've received your summer school summons,  correct?"

"Yes, we did, but that's not why we came to see you. A man washed up on the shore and he somehow convinced my mom to let him crash on our couch. But we don't know anything about him. We have his prints here."

"Boys, what would I do with fingerprints? I'm not a police detective. Besides, I heard from the grapevine that his prints checked out. That he wasn't on file for any crime. I think your mom might just be lonely."

"Lonely? She has me, why would she be lonely?"

Robert changed the subject. "So do you think this summer school is a setup?"

"Of that I have no doubt and I'm glad you came over today. We need to strategize."

Glenn set the bag containing the cup on the coffee table. 

"This heat is something, isn't it. I'll be right back with something cold to drink." She brought out a pitcher of lemonade and three glasses. When everyone had a drink. Mrs. Lavinia said, "I found  out that you are going to do summer school out in the field, on the beach to be exact. And your teacher is a new teacher, Mr. Arthur. Principal Slater brought him in just for summer school."

Robert's heart sank. He wouldn't be able to see Karina!

'The only thing I haven't met him yet. But I got a copy of his resume. Here's his picture." She handed them a piece of paper. Glenn yelled out and Robert almost dropped his lemonade. It was the guy from the beach!


Summer Ghoul: Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #5Where stories live. Discover now