Chapter 12

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"My mom would never let me go with this guy," said Glenn. He glanced at her. She was asleep in front of the TV. He shoved Mo toward the door. "Let's go right now."

"Um," said Mo, "I don't want to get charged with kidnapping."

"Fine," said Glenn. "I'll just leave her a note. What should it say? 'Breaking into the local state-of-the-art high school with amateur ghost hunter. Be back soon, don't wait up?' "

"I'm picking up what you're laying down," said Mo.


"Never mind," said Mo. They all went to the van and got in. Pip and Squeak poked their heads out of Robert's pocket, sniffing and checking out the new ride.

"Whoa! What are they?" said Mo

"My best friends," said Robert.

The Van pulled up behind the school where trucks parked to be unloaded. Mo had a delivery man uniform. It was his day job, he explained. He had a badge that when read by the reader would let him into many places in town. He told the boys to sit tight. He walked up the delivery ramp holding a piece of equipment and held his badge up to the reader. After the door opened, he waved the piece of equipment near the camera. Mo waved for Robert and Glenn to join him.

"My EMT equipment isn't just for catching spooks. It scrambles the video camera. So no one will see us. I can even change the time stamp for my badge, see? It says I stopped by during business hours."

"That must come in handy," said Robert.

"You have no idea," said Mo. "I discovered that purely by chance."

They walked down the hall, Mo's flashlight the only source of light. They opened the door leading to the attic stairs. It was three flights.

"You've got to be kidding me," said Mo. "No elevator?"

Ten minutes later they made it to the attic. As soon as they got in, Karina appeared.

"Whoa!" said Mo.

"I knew you could do it!" she shrieked, and turned to Mo. "You are the Ghostbuster, right?" Mo only nodded, speechless.

"A fully-formed, speaking apparition. I can't believe it. You kids didn't steer me wrong. As soon as saw the two-headed rat, I knew you were going to get me my ghost."

"I am not your ghost, I'm his girlfriend. Come on, get me out of here."

Robert turned so red he was sure his face was glowing in the dark.

"Of course, young lady. I meant no offense. Please, go right in here. He dropped a box on the ground, and the top flaps opened automatically. "It's an -

". . . ectoplasmic entity holding container. I know what it is. I saw Ghostbusters at the movies four times last week."

"Last week?" Mo sounded confused.

"Never mind. I'm finally getting out of here!" She zipped right in and the box closed.

"Come on, let's go," urged Glenn. Soon they were in the Mystery Machine. "Where to, gentlemen?"

"To this house." Robert gave them an address.

They arrived and knocked on the door. Mrs. Lavinia opened the door and just stared. "What on earth?"


Summer Ghoul: Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #5Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora