Chapter 14

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A jolt ran through him. He kept staring at the paper as if the words would change. Lovecraft High had unleashed another monster, this time on the unsuspecting public of Dunwich. But why? And Arthur had to have something to do with it. It was too much of a coincidence.

Robert put the note in his pocket. He decided to act normal when he went to the conference room. But dinner first. They drove to Dunwich Seafood. The smell of the fried fish made his stomach growl, despite his anxiety.

Still smiling, Mrs. Torkells ordered. "A family special, please." While they waited for the fish filets, popcorn shrimp, potato salad and cole slaw, Robert thought about that word, family. They probably did look like a family, a mom, dad, and two brothers. Again, Robert thought about how much was hidden beneath the surface, just like the ocean. The top of the ocean could be calm, but things could be chaotic beneath the surface.

"Well, well, look who's here." It was Sherriff Underwood. He held a large greasy bag of takeout. "You're making yourself at home, aren't you."

Arthur smiled. "I do like it here."

"Hmmph. Well, just know I'm watching you, pretty boy." He jabbed his index finger into Arthur's chest. Arthur jumped up, his eyes darkening alarmingly.

Beth Torkells jumped up and put her hand on Arthur's arm. "Arthur, no. Don't antagonize him."

"That's good advice," said the Sherriff as he walked out. "You better take it."

In the conference room after dinner, Arthur did his presentation. It was interesting, but his heart didn't seem in it. About three quarters through the lesson, the lights went out. All of them.

When the lights came back on, Arthur was gone. Robert and Glenn ran out to look for him. They saw a crowd of people at the shore. Some had their hands over their mouths in disbelief. Someone was crying and it sounded also like a couple of people were throwing up.

Robert and Glenn tried to see. Someone cried out. "It's Sherriff Underwood! He's dead!"


Summer Ghoul: Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #5Where stories live. Discover now