Chapter 10

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"We have to bring the samples to Warren." Warren was Mrs. Lavinia's husband. He knew the evil truth about the school  - that Crawford Tillinghast and his minions were trapping innocent people's souls in jars and using their bodies as meat suits for monsters - and also worked undercover. It meant that he and his wife couldn't see each other. 

 Mrs. Lavinia had told them, under strictest swearing of secrets, that Warren had landed the maintenance man job made vacant by Mad Max. She said him working there was the best chance they all had, in a long time, of stopping Tillinghast for good.

 "I guess we'll have to go to the school," said Glenn. "It's what you've been dreaming of, right?" He made kissing noises.

Beth had dropped them off at school. Her car was running better - no more sputtering at ignition. The school loomed in front of them, ominously quiet. There were no students milling around. The lawn was green and cut just right, but no landscapers were around. There was no buzzing of bees or fluttering of birds.

The boys went in the front door and to the office. They spoke to the secretary. "We're here to use the library for our summer school project."

The secretary put down her humongous iced coffee. "I was told the school is closed to students for the summer." 

Robert eyed her name tag, which read Roberta from Express Temp Service. "But we are in summer school, "Roberta." We have a right to use the facilities. How would we pass, otherwise?"

"What is your name?"

"Robert Arthur. My mom is the school nurse, Mrs. Arthur."

Her expression softened. "Okay, knock yourselves out."

"Fine," she sighed. 

The school was empty and quiet. The fluorescent lights weren't on in most of the halls, the only light coming from the windows. 

As planned, Glenn headed to the basement and Robert to the attic. He opened the door. "Karina, it's me: Robert."

She floated down from the ceiling. "O-M-C, I can't believe it."

"It's OMG, and hi."

"I missed you," they both said at the same time. "Jinx!"

"At least some slang has stayed the same since 1984."

He sat in the middle of the attic and caught her up to speed. "So we are the only two Lovecraft Middle School students in summer school. Our teacher appeared on the beach and doesn't remember who he is or where he's from. There's strange slime on the beach and a heat wave. We  brought the samples here today to give to Warren. I . . . wish you could come out there." Dang. He winced. The one thing he did not want to bring up, he brought up.

Karina started to disappear. "Wait! Don't go. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." She rematerialized. He tried to hold her hand, but it went right through. 

"I wish I could go out there, too." They sat quietly for a while.  

"So, any ideas?"

"I have one. Do you remember the Ghostbusters movie that was really popular in the 80's?"

"Yeah. They had some cool equipment."

"Right. Something that could detect ghosts, capture their image and voice. If we can get something like that, I can go out there."

"Karina. That's so crazy it just might work!" He kissed her and ran out, leaving her blushing from head to toe. 


In the basement, Glenn walked past some props for the drama club, for what looked like an underwater production like The Little Mermaid. He saw nothing strange and was about to return upstairs when someone grabbed him from behind. A strong hand clamped over his mouth. 


"Mr. Torkells, shhhhhh. It's Warren Lavinia!"

"Oh, dude, thank God. You about gave me a heart attack."

"I followed you down here. We can't be seen talking. My wife said you have something for me?"

Glenn gave him the sample of the slime. When he took it out of his pocket, he was surprised to see it glowing in the dark. Mr. Warren promised to run an analysis. Glenn went upstairs to meet Robert.


Summer Ghoul: Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #5Where stories live. Discover now