Chapter 2

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The boys finished their popsicles (three each) and it cooled them off a bit. 

"Do you want to have Pip and Squeak this weekend?" asked Robert.

"Sure," said Glenn. "Where are they, anyway?" 

"It's too hot, so I left them at home."

Glenn paused to consider. "Those rats have been through a massive bug invasion, a swimming pool portal to another dimension, and a blizzard. You think a little heat wave is going to bother them?"

Robert smiled. His mind was on the last few days they had of freedom. They had planned to use this summer to arm themselves with knowledge and strategies for going back in the fall. Now, they only had less than a week.

Mrs. Torkells opened the porch door. "Boys, it's too hot to hang around here. Let's go to the beach!"


They got in the car. Mrs. Torkells turned the key. The engine would not start. "I can't believe this. I just got gasoline yesterday."

"Mom, let's just ride our bikes. I'm tired of riding in a car with no AC."  Robert saw pain flash across her face. Bur she covered it up. Robert expected her to say that money was tight. But all she said was "Ok." Soon the three of them were pedaling towards the beach.

The sun was hot and high in the sky, and the beach was empty of tourists - and locals. They were inside in air conditioning. Glenn's mom spread out a towel and put her radio down. She spread suntan lotion on her arms. "Honey, would you get my back?"

"Mom!" Glenn protested. "You are so embarrassing." Again Robert looked at her and was sure he saw dismay on her face, but she put on large black sunglasses while Glenn spread some cream on her back.

The two friends ran off to play Frisbee. After a while the Frisbee went into the water. Glenn ran to grab it before it was pulled out to see. "Hey, look at this. Ewwww, what is it?"

Robert came over and looked. Some kind of goopy jelly trailed off of the plastic toy.

"Mom, look at this!" Glenn was so excited he forgot to act embarrassed. 

She turned and glanced at it and lay back down.

"It's a jellyfish. "

Robert did not grow up on the beach. But he thought it looked a little thick for jellyfish. And it might be a trick of the sun, but it seemed to be ... wiggling.

Glenn tucked the Frisbee back in the bag. He and Robert went for a walk.

"Dongutofar," said the mom with her face in the towel.

"Whatever," said Glenn. 

When they were out of her hearing (not that she was paying attention; she was almost asleep in the warm sun) Robert asked "Why are you being so rude to your mother?"

Glenn acted like he hadn't heard. Robert decided not to push it. 

They had walked a fair distance. Robert squinted his eyes at a dark shape on the beach. "What's that?"

"A log?" said Glenn. They walked closer and could see it was not a log. It was a man, unconscious on the sand.


Summer Ghoul: Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #5Where stories live. Discover now