Chapter 17

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"Say who is a what now?" said Glenn.

"Say what is a who now?" said Robert.

"Do you have any more pizza?" said Warren. Beth handed him a paper plate with a slice of pepperoni.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Collecting his thoughts, he chewed his pizza.

"I knew Tillinghast and his demons were bringing another monster through. I thought I stopped that summoning, but I only disrupted it. Instead of one entity it brought two. Prince Arthur, and a primitive creature, humanoid in appearance but the heart of a demon. It's already killed at least two people."

"We have to stop it," said Robert.

"Yes, we do."

Ellen spoke. "So what the boys have been trying to tell us . . . is true?!?"

"Yes-m'. It's all true plus more."

Glenn jumped up. "I have an idea." He told Warren.

"That's so crazy it just might work."


Ellen and Beth had been left at the motel with assurances that they had a plan and would be back safely.

The tiny Cthlulu creatures Warren had kept in a tank were finally being put to use. According to Glenn's idea, they would lead them to the Creature from the Black Lagoon. They picked five of them and caught them with large tweezers. Putting them in the freezer for two minutes knocked them out and let the boys tie little leashes on them.

When they woke up, they immediately started sniffing.

"Like tiny bloodhounds," remarked Warren.

They pulled them out the door and headed down the street. They passed the police station and the gas station. The Cthulus turned down a side street and made little excited noises.


"Good thing we're doing this at night," said Robert. "I wouldn't know how to explain this."

"Here we go," said Warren. The little monsters turned down a driveway.

"I know this house," said Warren. "This is Florence's home."

"The lady who sells ice cream?" said Glenn.

"Yes. But I fear she might already be dead if these pokemons are trustworthy."

The trio crept into the back yard.

"Oh, no," said Robert.

There was a swimming pool, overgrown with algae. It didn't look like anyone had swam there in the last five years. They peered into the murky water.


The little Cthulu's jumped up and down excitedly, like fans who had waited to see their idol.

The Creature from the Black Lagoon emerged from the swimming pool just as Florence came out of her back door.

"Florence, get out of here!" said Glenn. "Run!"

Robert took something out of his backpack and threw it on the ground.

Florence didn't move. "Oh, that's just my dog. He was a stray and he's been living in my backyard all summer."

"That's no dog, ma'am!" said Warren.

Florence carefully came down the steps. "He's such a good boy. Ever since he's been here there haven't been any drifters stealing from my store."

The monster grabbed the mini-Cthulus and popped them in his mouth. He chewed with sickening crunches. Then he turned his attention to the boys.

Robert stomped on a pedal and Karina emerged from the trap.

"Come here, big boy," said Karina. "Come get me."

The monster lurched toward the ghost girl. He swiped a taloned and webbed hand at her. If she had been a real girl she would have been cut in two.

He became angry and made horrible growling gargling noises.

"What are you doing?" Florence was close to them.

"Ma'am, go back inside," said Warren.

"Not when I am so close to realizing Master's plan. You aren't going to ruin this."

She raised a bat high in the air.

"No!" cried Karina.

Robert raised his arms in self-defense.


She brought the bat down right on the ghost trap.

Their plan was ruined in an instant. They had been planning to catch the monster in the ghost trap, figuring it would work on it because it didn't belong to this dimension.

The monster lurched towards them.

Now what, thought Robert.


Summer Ghoul: Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #5Where stories live. Discover now