Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


*Hazel Willaw's POV*

Johnnie sets me down once we get to Hot Topic. We walk in and just wonder around. "awe these are super cute" I look at these little rings. There's three silver rings, one of them is a skull, the other one is just a band with little moons and witch stars, the last silver one is a moon (picture on the side!)

"yeah.. Do you want them?" he ask

"I didn't bring any of my American bucks" I sigh

"you only brought Ausie bucks?" he ask

"no. I just call the american dollars that sometimes I guess" I explain

"oh.. I'll buy you them for you" he says

"no. I can't let you do that" I feel bad when people buy me things with there own money

"common, it's okay" he was about to grab them but I don't let him "Hazel Willaw, just let me get them for you" he adds

"no. it's okay. I don't want someone wasting pounds on me" I aver

"I'm not someone, I'm Johnnie and it wouldn't be wasting money if it's for you" he says.

I grab his hand and pull him away from the jewlery. "I don't need it love" I say as we walk to see the all the other merch.

"are you sure?" he ask

"yeah, I very sure.. Just Those 3 rings alone are like 20 pounds, to much" I explain

"but your worth it" he grips my hand just a bit more to convince me

"thanks, but johnnie I said no" I say

".. Okay, fine" he mumbles "do you want something else?" he ask

"no, Johnnie really, I don't need anything" I chuckle

"okay" he avers

"okay" I say back. Maybe we should leave this shop cause Johnnie will keep asking if I want something.

"hi, what's your name?" Johnnie smiles

"Marina" she says "can tI take a picture with you real fast!?" she questions

"yes of course you can" they both take a few pictures and she wonders off back with her friends.

"awe Mr. Johnnie is getting noticed" I joke

"shhh" he giggles as we sit down on the bench near the shop we just exited (hottopic)
We don't hold hands like we wear after Johnnie met that girl. I wanna ask him that but I don't wanna get embarrassed. "what's wrong?" he ask me

"nothing" I lie

"your frowning, and you just lied. Just tell me" he says

"how do you know I'm always lying? Like when I've ever first lied you noticed, everyone notices" i ask

"you never do eye contacted, sometimes you mumble. There's this other thing but I can't tell what it is, I just know.." he explains "so please tell me what's wrong" he adds

"why aren't we holding hands?" I ask

"that's it?" he questions

Suddenly my knees become interesting "y-yeah" I awkwardly say

"..I want to hold your hand but we can't" he says

"why?" I inquire

"what if another fan comes up and sees us holding hands, they might think we're dating and might tweet something about it. I don't want anyone thinking I'm dating you" he says

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