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Chapter 14: Dizzy

*Johnnie's POV*

Hazel falls to the ground cause kaylah just hit her "don't touch Hazel!" I yell at Kaylah

"hey name is Willaw!" she yells back at

"actually it's Hazel so shut up" I say

"we'll she's been lying to you.. Plus Willaw is a whore, you don't want her" she says

Hazel starts to cry. "shut up! She's not a whore, she's never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. You were her first! You should respect that!" I yell "she's breaking up with you" I add

"you can't make that choice for her" Kaylah crosses her arms

"I didn't. She told me she wanted to break it off with you" I help Hazel up off the ground. He nose his bleeding. As Kaylah continues to yell, I walk Hazel to the Carl I get her in the passenger and I get into the drivers side. We drive off

"in the compartment, there's some tissues. Use that to clean up your bloody nose" I tell Hazel. She opens it and grabs one, cleaning her nose "do you want me to drop you off at your place or come to mine?" I ask her

"yours, if that's okay" she says quietly

"yeah it's perfectly okay" I say. I'm excited to have Hazel stay with me another night. She's been spending the night like almost every night since we've met.

I honestly really like Hazel Willaw, but I just know she doesn't like me like ho wi feel about her. We make small conversation as I drive "just a weird question, you don't have to answer if you don't wanna. Where would you wanna be and how would you wanna be kissed?" I ask

"why?" she ask

"I'm just wondering. Like when you get a girlfriend or boyfriend.. Where would you wanna them to take you for that to happen" I explain

"oh.. I really want to kiss under the stars.. Like when it's a perfect time at night and there's a lot a stars. I want him or her to pull me into a, like hugging laying position, Holding my hand. Then after a bit like that I then want him or her to have us sit up And kiss me." she explains

"detailed" I can do it though.

"yeah" she says.. "but anyways.. Do I still have extra clothes at your place?" she questions

"Yes in my room" I answer her

"can I take a shower there?" she ask

"yeah sure"

*Hazel Willaw's POV*

We pull up to johnnie and Bryan's apartment. We get out and walk to the lift "common jownie, the the lift isn't that scary" he's being a baby.

"yes it's super scary. Let's just take that stairs" he says

I'm not In the mood to take that stairs, I'm super dizzy and tired. "okay" I respond. Me and Johnnie take the stairs

"hurry up Wallflower!" Johnnie says. Hs already at the top of the stairs and I'm not even halfway

"I'm not a Wallflower!" I say

He chuckles and sits on the stairs, waiting for me to hurry. I understand I'm slow. I finally get to the top, he stands and opens the staircase door. We finally go to his apartment door.

"Bryan We're home!" Johnnie yells though the apartment. He doesn't respond "I don't think he's home" Johnnie tells me as I shut the door behind me

"or he's sleeping you pickle" I say

Dream  (Johnnie Guilbert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora