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Chapter 26: Camping

*Johnnie's POV*

"Bryan what the fuck!?" I ask

"sorry dude, just go change" he says.

I groan and get up to go upstairs. I was helping bryan glue something's on a poster for his new video and he spilled the white liquid blue on my pants..

I open my bedroom door shutting it behind me. Hazel glances at me "oh good morning" I smile at her

"and to you my good man" she sits up in the bed "oh wow" she looks the glue on my pants

"no it's not what you think" I aver

"sure" she laughs "why are you maturating now? I know it's a natural thing and all but why now?" she ask

"I was not touching myself! Bryan, he spilt glue on me" I defend

"okay, I believe you" she laughs

I change my pants "friends are coming over" I say

"when?" she ask

"very soon. Me and Bryan are gonna ask them if they wanted to go camping with us" I say

"oh cool" I can tell she's excited.

"guys were here!" we hear Damon's voice downstairs.

"common! She gets up and grabs my hand

"your only in a shirt and underwear though" I point

"oh! Look away real fast" she says. I look away from her as she gets dressed.
Knowing Hazel more now, she sleeps with no pants. "alright let's go" she grabs my hand again, pulling me downstairs

"hey friends" Hazel addresses Karina, Alyssa, Damon and Bryan

*Hazel Willaw's POV*

"hey what's up?" Karina ask

"nothing much really, how about you?" I ask as I sit in between Karina and Alyssa

"same" she answers

"hey there's no space for us!" Johnnie mentions himself, Bryan and Damon. Me, Alyssa and Karina are taking up all the space

"I'm fine on the floor" Damon sits cross legged on the floor in front of us
"I'll sit with you" Karina sits on his laps. I scoot over to the side so Bryan could sit next to Alyssa.

"what about me? I don't wanna sit on the floor" Johnnie avers

"come here" I say

"what? sit on your lap?" he ask

"yeah. Your possibly not that heavy" I state

"how about I sit on the couch and you sit on 'my' lap" he suggests

"no, come here" I say. He sits on my and leans against me. I wrap my arms around him. "awe super cute, you two need to start going out" Karina awes

"no we don't" I lie

"anyways, me and Johnnie have something to ask y'all" Bryan says

"what's that?" I know exactly what He's about to say

"do you guys wanna go camping?" Bryan ask

"yes!" "when?" "let's go!" Damon, Alyssa and Karina say

"anytime we can go" Johnnie says

"two days?" Alyssa suggests

"yes!" we all say

-two days-

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