Chapter 4

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*Johnnie's POV*

Willaw just hoped in the shower, I already took mine so I'm just sitting on my bed, editing a video for next week.
Willaw went in the washroom, the one in my room.

I can hear her singing a song, I think a song by My Chemical Romance

I continue to edit my video for about 20 more minutes until I hear the water shut off in the washroom. She takes really long showers. Once I again I hear her humming the same song.

It sounds beautiful, She should sing on YouTube or something. She soon comes out wearing a All Time Low T-Shirt and black sweat pants that say Fronzilla on the leg. He hair is in a high pony tail.

"hi" she looks down the whole time

"hey. What's wrong?" I ask

"nothing" she says

"look at me" I say

She looks up. The first time I see her without makeup. Her naturally beauty is so cute. I pat the spot next to me and she comes to sit next to me "you look pretty. Your natural look is so perfect" I say

"thanks but I just feel more comfortable wearing my makeup" she says "anyways what are ya doing?" she questions

"just finished editing. Going on twitter now" I save the video and go online to my twitter.

"what's that?" she ask looking at my screen

"what's what?" I ask

she points to a tab bar "porn?" she giggles

"no!" I click the ex on it "was not porn!"

"I think I read it right. It said porn" she giggles "it's fine Johnnie. It's natural for some people" she adds

"do you do it?" I ask

"no, I do not watch those kind of things, honestly" she says
This is so embarrassing.

*Willaw's POV*

I watch Johnnie scroll though his twitter and respond to some of the twitter mentions. "I'm bored Jownnnie" I say

"what do you wanna do Hazelllllll?" he ask

"I don't kneow" I aver

"we can watch a movie?" he ask

"yes! Do you have Netflix?" I question

"yeah" he says. "watch on my laptop or the Tv?"

"laptop" I say. He signs into Netflix and we go though the movies "how about Avatar?" he ask

He nods and clicks on it. We both watch the movie together.
Towards the middle of the movie there is an awkward 'dirty' scene "Johnnie look away" I say

He laughs "I'm not a child"

"but still" i aver

He doesn't look away. Johnnie is really weird, Just like in his videos but I still think he's a pretty cool guy.

After the movie he shuts his laptop. "now what should we do?" he ask

"let's just talk" I say

"alright, about what though?" he questions

"I don't know" I set my head on his shoulder.

"can you tell me about your family?" he ask

Oh no, "why?" I ask

"just trying to make conversation i guess" he says

"tell me about yours" I say

"I lost my dad to cancer when I was really young so I just lived with my mother and sister" he explains

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