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Chapter 18: Pictures

*Hazel's POV*

I finally get Johnnie's text

From Johnnie to Hazel: your beautiful Haz :*

From Hazel to Johnnie: thank you

I don't believe that.

*Johnnie's POV*

When I got Hazel's nude I freak out and Bryan ask what was I doing since he was sitting on the couch too. I told him nothing obviously.

Hazel's picture she sent me is honestly really pretty, I'd try to explain how the picture or how she looks in it but I don't have enough words to explain the extent of her beauty.

I was gonna text her back, asking her to Skype again in a bit but my phone started ringing in my hands, it's Alex. "hello?"

"hey Johnnie" her annoying voice rings though my ears. I mean Alex she's pretty, her dyed red hair fits her perfectly but I don't like her personality since she was rude to my Hazel.

"hi Alex" I say back

"whacca doing?" she questions

"talking to Willaw" I say

"oh... Come hang with me, I got Jordan Sweeto and Kyle D Hall to come along" she explains

Why did Jordan and Kyle agree on hanging out with her, they don't even like her that much. Maybe they were just trying to be nice. "okay, I'll hang out with you guys" just for Jordan and Kyle

"cool, we're filming a video together, you should be in it. Come to my house, the guys are already here. I'll text you my address. K bye love you" she hangs up

K bye love you? What the fuck does that mean?
"gonna go to Alex D's place with Jordan and Kyle.. You wanna come?" I ask Bryan

"nah I was gonna go hang out with Damon, Karina and Alyssa" he says

"okay, bye" I stand and leave. I just walk to Alex's house since she's only a few blocks away.

Ugh I was not built for walking this much.

I finally get to her house, I ring the door bell. In a second it opens "hey Johnnie!" she pulls me in "nice to see you in person again" she hugs me tight. I just pat her back
"yeah you too.. So.." I pull away from the revolting hug "how about that video?" I ask

"okay, yeah... Oh yeah, Kyle and Jordan left just a second ago, they had to do something" Alex says

Ugh, not I'm here alone with this girl? I bet they weren't even here in the first place "okay maybe we could all hang later and film the video then" I try to get out of this

"nah, it's okay. We can film now. Let's go to my room" she says, she pulls me upstairs to her room.

Her camera is already set up, we just stand in front of it. She turns the camera on "hey guys, I'm Alex and this Is my bestie Johnnie Guilbert!" she hugs me

"yeah bestie" I act only for that camera. The views shouldn't know that I dislike Alex, then there will lots of drama.

"for this video, we're doing The Boyfriend And Girlfriend Tag!" she says

Wait what? "wait what?" this time I say out loud

"shh just go with it, I'll put in the description it's a joke, I'll cut this part out of the video" she says

Fine, I'll only go with it, if she puts that this video was a joke. "okay" I agree

"so, well be answering questions, the first one is, Where did we meet?" she ask. "Johnnie do you wanna answer?" she ask

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