Chapter 19

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*Hazel Willaw's POV*

I'm currently walking to my first day of school.
School from where I now live is in walking distance so I have to walk.
It's currently a Monday, 8:15am and school starts at 8:30am
It's a Sunday, 8:15pm in California so I have time to call Johnnie really fast.

"hey" he answers

"hey J" I say

"aren't you suppose to be at school?" he ask

"I'm walking there now" I sigh "I'm super nervous" I add

"don't worry, everything will okay.. Tell me what your classes are" he says

"Humanities first, second is science, hour 3 is pre algebra, 4th is like this club thingy for people like me, 5th languages, 6th is lunch, 7th is photography, then after there's Homeroom" I explains

"photography seems really fun. What language are you taking? what's Pre algebra? And what do you mean '7th is a club thing for people like you'?" he ask

"I'm taking modern Greek, pre algebra is like middle school math cause I suck. 7th period I have to go to a class for.. It's like for people who has social Anxiety.. So all my classes are small and stuff, kinda hard to explain" I state

"oh, im sure your not that bad at math.l Why didn't you take art or any type of music?" he ask

"I'm not good at art and I don't want anyone to hear me sing or play an instrument, it's awkward and I'm bad at that" I say

"I wanna hear you song, your probably sound like a mermaid"

A mermaid? The fuck Johnnie. "..okay" I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear him say that.

He chuckles "anyways.. I can't wait to talk and see your later" he says seductively.

Me and Johnnie kinda been.. Well.. Sexting.

"I can't wait to talk to you either" I've sent him quiet few nudes too.

"I wanna kiss you Haz" he says

"Johnnie, we can't talk like this now, I'm almost at school" I aver

"I wasn't trying to be sexual right now" he mumbles


"since your almost at school, I'll talk to you later, bye love" he says

"bye J" I hang up. I finally get to hell, I mean school. There's people hanging out outside. Seriously this high school looks like a Castle. I pass the other student walking around and sitting on the steps, going into the school I see a huge painting above two doors of like some family, this part is where you first walk in and then you go into the door to the locker area, the lockers are all blue. The decor of the school is pretty cool. I'm not good at explaining what it looks like but (picture to the side!)

I find my locker number 1428, wow there must be lots of lockers here, I wonder how many students go here?

I look at my combination I wrote on my hand so I wouldn't forget, 14 right, 28 left, then 14 again right.

It opens and I put my things in there. I grab my first period things for humanity's. I go straight to that class but being greeted by a girl with long brown hair, very tan skin and brown eyes. She's wearing a cheerleader outfit "hi I'm Tracey but call me TT, I'm the popular one around here" she says, awe I could tell she's the bitchy one "so are you like emo or something" he Ausie voice ask.

The only good thing about being here is that I get to hear voices like mine. I understand it just a little better the American type. "no, I'm scene" I say

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