Part I

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I guess it started the beginning of Junior year. After two mostly successful years at Rainbow High--between designing the entire district's cheer and sports uniforms, and saying goodbye to a few friends-- I started to feel that things were different. Surprisingly the core group was still together: Jade, Sunny, Violet, Poppy, Amaya, me and Skyler. This year we were now the new upperclassmen in charge. The A's and Krystal made their departure before the summer, off to the most prestigious art universities. It was intimidating that the school kept moving on without them, that everyone now looked up to us.

I woke up unrested the first day, Violet of course waking us all up with her and her early-morning beauty routine.

"You guys, are you excited or what?" she exclaimed, all of us refusing to get out of bed,

"Vi, it's literally 6:30. You're the only one who wakes up this early, let us rest please,"

"You're being ridiculous! We have to be ready, as it is our first day as upperclassmen! I'm not oversleeping a second this year!"

"Maybe not you, but we will," Jade tosses a pillow at Violet in groggy frustration. I force myself up before anyone has the chance to pull the sheets off of me. I brush my teeth as Poppy bursts into the room. Frantically, she asks to borrow Jade's clothes, per usual, and Jade agrees. Jade doesn't know, but Poppy's been crushing on her since summer started, but with Bella and Jade going strong since freshman year's runway show, there's no happy ending for Pops. She leaves the room red in the face.

We're all off to the cafeteria for breakfast and catch up from summer break. Turns out Violet Sunny and Karma went to San Francisco the whole two months, Amaya finally travelled up North to meet River's family, and Skyler is talking to Colin again. After he was kicked out of Rainbow High for vandalism, he's been trying to hit her up again; and it's working. She claims he's changed, but according to instagram, he's the same asshat he was freshman year.

"Sky, not to rain on your parade, but you do remember freshman year right? When he dumped you, and was actively looking for other girls to hook up with, including me?"

"Yeah, I remember, but he's changed Ruby! He's volunteering at the animal shelter and is actually being really sweet to me-"

"Are we sure he's doing this volunteer work on his own will? Maybe his parents are just trying to get him out of the house," Jade laughs.

"You guys aren't even giving him a chance! I invited him to this Saturday's party, if you don't believe me, believe him when you see him again, okay?"

"Okay, but I can't promise he'll be loved by everyone hun, definitely not the Vi-hive," Violet chimes.


"Ruby! I'm so glad we have so many classes together this year, can't believe mixed media and animation go together so well!"

"I know! I'm excited for this semester Sunny. Our ad is gonna turn out amazing." Our project this semester is to incorporate a popular product into an advertisement, Ms. Wright decided to group me and Sunny together; our product was Luxury purses.

"But Ruby! The group didn't ask at breakfast this morning-sad face emoji- how was your summer break?"

"Oh nothing special, just went back to my hometown, went camping with my old friends, I missed you all the whole time. But I bet it wasn't as great as your San Francisco trip."

"Eh, it was okay really. Karma and Violet were too focused on their phones most of their time; livestreaming and whatnot. I was usually facetiming Skyler or Poppy."

"Oh really? I'm sorry about your influencer problem."

"Nah it's okay, Poppy told me all about this girl she met, but of course she only liked her for her edgy style, funny huh?"

"Haha that sounds like her. I hope that none of that splits apart the friend group if Jade or Bella find out."

"Would it really split the group if they found out? Or if another one of our girls finds someone? There's already them, Amaya with River, maybe even Skyler and Colin-"

"Nah Sunny, I don't think anything's gonna happen. And if something does, we'll all still be friends, 100%."

"Hehe, smiley face emoji!"


I get to the dorm and collapse on the couch, a day at Rainbow high is actually super draining,

"Jade! Amaya! I'm done with classes for the day, wanna go get some iced coffee?"

"Agh, I'll have to take a raincheck for that one, me and Bella are gonna hit up the shopping district,"

"Didn't you see her over the summer?"

"Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend Ruby? I miss her already, but I'll see you later, okay? Promise."

"Yeah, I'll see you later. How about you Amaya? Coffee?"

"I'm so so sorry, I'm gonna head to River's rehearsal, and then his football practice tonight. I don't mean to flake out on you the first day of the school year! I'll make it up to you!"

"No need, go see your boy Amaya. Have fun."

"Bye Ruby! Thank you for understanding!"

They both rush out the door. It's just me until Vi gets back. Maybe it'd be nice to have a relationship or someone to do things with. I turn on my phone and open instagram. Skyler just posted on her story; it's a photo of her and Colin from the summer. It says, "miss you already, xoxo", gross. I can't believe she fell into him again, especially after everything that's already happened.

Violet bursts in and she's already live streaming, giving me an inaudible hi as she recounts her day to her now 2 million subscribers. She lays down on her freshly-pressed silk sheets, I guess I'll just have to third wheel her and her millions. I decide to take a nap.


I wake up and Violet's reapplying her makeup at the vanity. Yawning, I walk over.

"How was the livestream? They get enough of your personal life for today?"

"Ha ha, very funny. But yes... they did. Does my channel really bother you that much?"

"It doesn't bother me, but you know I just don't understand the whole influencer life Vi, we both know I know I could never do it. Not as good as you anyway,"

"You're sweet, in a way haha. Love you Ruby."

"Yeah, love you too. I'll be in the bathroom if you need me okay?"

"Sounds good boo, I'll just be making myself look good,"

I get ready to take a shower, my music's already blasting. I dissociate and wind down for the night until I hear Violet scream. I quickly dry and dress myself, I open the door, "What's wrong?!"

"Karma! She posted the ugliest photo of me from the summer!"

"Hold up, let me see." I grab her phone, "Um, you look good Violet. What exactly is wrong with the photo?"

"You don't see it?? There is lipstick on my teeth!!" She zooms into the photo and I still can't see it.

"Vi, you look good, you know you always do. Even with that extremely tiny mark of lipstick on your teeth."

"You're just saying that because you're my friend," she sighs and ties her hair back. I don't speak, I never noticed that little birthmark next to her ear. Wow. She's actually really pretty. Her hair sits high in a bun and it's the type of messy bun that makes her look perfect. I step closer to her, overcome by her perfume.

"Um, Violet?"


"I- I dunno, I just wanted to say you look really good with your hair like that."

"Should I take a #messybunmonday selfie? I haven't posted yet today,"

"No, leave this between you and me, okay?" she gawks a goofy smile, "Okay Ruby, whatever you say." She collapses on her bed and logs into her laptop and starts editing her newest video. I can't stop thinking about how pretty she is. Oh shit. I like Violet. 

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