Part VI

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I sit in my car until I see Jade and Bella walk in front of the place. Taking a deep breath, I step out.

"Hey, is it just gonna be us? Where's Poppy? Sunny?"

"We thought we should tell you first, considering it's about Colin. We wanted to talk to you before we told Sky,"

"Considering Jade can be a bit reckless-and loud-she wanted your advice for telling Sky what we found out,"

"Oh, then maybe we shouldn't chill here, uh Sky and Colin are actually inside,"

"Good idea, or maybe we should keep our distance, have our conversation, and then tell her,"

"Well what did you guys even find out? If it's such a big deal tell me. You know I hate when you pull the secretive shit,"

Jade and Bella look to each other, anxiety and slight anger on their faces,

"Last night, we were heading back to the dorms, Sunny texted us she was gonna sleepover at Stella's and we knew Vi would be in her dorm because of her leaving early. We opened the door and uh, she was with Colin. They were making out. We didn't know what to do. They didn't even hear us open the door, we left."

"And we know you were so excited to go out with Vi, I'm so sorry that she lied to you like this,"

I don't say anything. I feel my eyes water, Bella reaches to me,


"Don't touch me, please. And I'll tell Sky this news. You guys are pretty fucking reckless with the truth, you didn't even tell me this shit had to do with Violet when you knew I wanted her. I just need space right now. I'll see you later,"

"We'll see you later at the dorms okay? Dinner's on us. We're sorry Ruby,"

I slam the door and drive off, I can't believe everything. Violet agreed to the date, when she had no interest in me. If she told me she liked someone I would've backed off. Fucking hell. And Colin, fuck. Just when I thought I could trust him. Was she with him when she asked for the empty dorm too? I can't believe her. I can't believe I fell for all this bullshit.


I head back to Stella's country home and let myself in. The place is trashed. Sunny and Stella are knocked out on the couch, covered in streamers. I wonder how their night went. I pour myself a drink and head to the rooftop to take in the city overlook. I don't want to talk to anyone for a while. I don't want to see Violet in runway class, definitely not Colin anytime soon. I'm too embarrassed to even see Sky again. But I'm not without fault either, I kissed her. But then again, I didn't manipulate someone to makeout with someone's boyfriend. This is all so complicated now. I burrow my head into my hands and cry.


After a few hours, Violet calls me, I pick up,


"Ruby! I'm so sorry about flaking last night and this morning, you know how cramps can be the #worst. How does dinner sound? I left the choice up to you, pho or italian?"

"Violet, I can't right now, or later. I'll be busy for a while, okay? Please, can I have some space?"

"Um, yeah. That's no problem, maybe next weekend?"

"We'll see,"

"Did something happen?"

I hang up, I can't believe her. And to make things better, I'm starving. I start climbing to the balcony and see Stella's awake. I jump down,

"Morning, you hungover?" I speak,

"Ugh, most definitely. Got any cures in that brain of yours?"

"Isn't it eggs with milk and vinegar?"

"EH I don't know, but maybe this will help," she pulls out a blunt and a lighter, "Care for some?"

"You didn't throw up or eat anything gross right?"

"Not that I remember," she says smiling, "Care for the first inhale?"

I take it from her and breathe,

"I'm gonna be honest Stell, I've had a rough fucking morning,"

"Oh? What happened?"

"Just, I made out with someone I shouldn't have. And she has a boyfriend, but her boyfriend kissed someone else too. And that someone else was my date last night. It's so fucked."

"Wow that's fucking horrible!" She laughs, "I thought I had problems,"

"So what should I do?"

"Uhm," she takes the weed from me and takes a long deep inhale, "Well, which girl did you like more?"


"What? It's a valid question!" I sigh and lean my back on to balcony,

"I guess I like the accidental kiss girl more, I didn't know she liked me,"

"And your og date?"

"She actively left the date to kiss someone else, and he did too,"

"So, go for the girl you kissed then. It seems like you both like each other. Was that so hard to find out?"

Considering they're both my friends and I'm gonna tear apart the friend group with the situation, it's pretty difficult, I don't tell Stella that though. I take another hit and sigh,

"Thanks for the talk Stella, I hope your hangover goes away,"

"Thank you love, I'll see you later, yeah?"

"For sure babe, love you."

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