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"Good morning Ruby," Sunny sternly says. This is the routine every Monday morning. I'm glad our joint design class is only once a week.

"H-hey Sunny. Is the project looking good?"

"Yeah, Ms Wright gave me some feedback, she says your designs could be a bit sharper-"

"For sure, I'll get right on it,"

Sunny sighs and turns away from me, I can't believe it's been like this for a month already. As usual, we sit in silence for the entire class, occasionally discussing the color and placement of the product. Nothing more, nothing less. But she cracks her fingers more than usual today. The bell rings and she packs up her pink stationary pens, "I'll see you next week, yeah?"

"I'll see you next week," I sigh. She pauses before walking away and turns her head toward me, her bangs bouncing upon her forehead,

"Ruby.... I'm really sorry about being so cold to you lately, I don't think I'm ready to be best friends again, but I would really like it if we were on good terms. Losing Violet was... intense to say the least, I know pushing you away was a rash decision, but in that time it helped. I couldn't help you with your own problems then. But I think I'm starting to feel like my own person again. So what I'm trying to say is: can we hangout after school?" She wipes her eyes, "I miss you so much!"

I can't believe it. After so long, Sunny has become herself around me again. My eyes tear up and I nod my head violently, I'm so happy.

"Of course! We can hangout after school! I'm so sorry to have hurt you so badly! I love you so much!"

I embrace her and she wraps her arms tightly around my torso. We cry happily into each other's arms, and it's something out of a child's cartoon. I'm so happy things are slowly getting better.

She sniffs one last time and wipes her cheek, "Ha, I forgot we should get going Ruby. Uh, I'll see you in sixth period in runway, yeah?"

"Yeah of course, can't wait to hangout after too. How does boba sound? My treat?"

She nods as she retreats into the halls. I can hear her shoes squeaking down the halls.


"Hey girls, I'm so sorry to be-"

"Late? Ha, that was expected, but it doesn't matter. You're here now and-"

"Gabriella, please stop being mean to Ruby, she's been under so much emotional stress. Can you stop being a bitch for one day?" Daria exclaims.

"Whatever," Gabbie grumbles.

"Ruby! Oh I missed you!" Georgia exclaims as she hugs me, "I wanted to talk to you about something,"

"Uh, yeah for sure, what about?"

"Good morning class," our teacher interjects. Professor Fisher. He's the newest teacher on campus, our Textile Design Professor. "I hope you all enjoyed the documentary I assigned you last week, this week I will be assigning your midterm project: Regency period fashion. As you may know, the style has come back into the public's eye. And with Halloween just a week away, I thought it was a fitting assignment. You and your partner will be wearing these designs exactly one week from now, I will pass out rubrics in just a second. Am I clear?"

The class murmurs and I hear Daphne's excitement, "Yes! That means I'll be working with pearls! I'll finally get to use the ones I got from my birthday!"

As rubrics are given, and now Mr Fisher is reading out partners. I cross my fingers I don't get Gabriella, she's great at dress design, but working with her on anything is an absolute nightmare.

"Miss Icely and Miss Minton, you two will be partners-"

"Professor Fisher! Can I use real pearls for this project?!"

"All gemstones will be provided by the school, and yes. I believe we will have pearls shipped from Barbados."

Daphne's grin expands even wider and she is giggling to Gabriella about her own excitement, her partner smiles and places her hands on her hips. Their project is sure to be perfect.

"Miss Roselyn, you and Mister Barajas will be partners."

Daria groans and places her face in her hands, "I'm seriously gonna be partners with Tracey? How unlucky can I get? Colin's friends are the worst. Thank goodness this project isn't for the whole semester,"

"And Miss Anderson. You will be paired up with Miss Bloom."

"That's perfect! Ruby! We can spend so much more time together now! Are you free after school? We can get a total  head start on this entire project!"

"I'm actually hanging out with an old friend today, how does tomorrow sound though?"

"Oh gee, I have a shift! How about you just text me honey? We can figure it all out later, yeah?"

"Sounds great Georgia," I smile. Her enthusiasm is a bit overwhelming, but cute nonetheless, "Oh hey, what did you wanna ask me by the way?"

"Oh just a trifle, I'll ask you later. I really wanna get our ideas down first!"

"Heh, whatever you say Georgia,"

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