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"Hey, how you feeling today?"

I turn towards the sound of Sky's voice at the door, she has a bowl of soup in her hands. I groan and stretch my body upwards. I glance at the wall clock, I slept in. Again.

"I'm okay, uh... feeling a bit better. Thank you, uh- for the soup,"

"No need to thank me, I just wanna be here for you." she sets it down on the dresser, right next to my water. She sighs.

"Make sure to actually eat this time, okay?"

"I'll try, thank you,"

She nods and widens the door on her way out. I can see her serve another bowl of soup for herself. She's been living in our dorm ever since I... yeah. I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand I'm glad she's here to cuddle and be with, but on the other hand maybe she's only here because of the guilt. I only feel this bad because of her ex boyfriend, Violet, and all the shit they've caused. I'm only tied into it by coincidence. I'm just collateral damage in it.

I wrap my blanket around myself and look at my phone. I check Violet's instagram. I can't believe I still follow her, I think it's the fear of finally losing her when I decide to press unfollow.

She's still milking the situation for all that it's worth. I'm surprised none of her fans have attacked or spammed me over it. Maybe she didn't care about me enough to send them to my door. Did she even care enough in the first place? The coffee date selfie... it's no longer up. The day I asked her out. I sigh and throw my phone across the room.

"HEY! Everything okay?" I hear Sky yell as she rushes to the door frame.

"Uh, yeah just... Violet. I would really like to talk about it, but I don't want to dump that on you. Especially since we've been dating for a few weeks? And you're my... you know...?"

"Oh, I don't remember you asking me out Ruby," she giggles, "I guess we are!"

My chest clenches.

"Haha, yeah! No worries, I guess I should've brought you a bunch of roses when I was having one of my breakdowns, that would've definitely defined us."

"No that's not what I mean! I just- We're both going through this situation, I'm pretty sure we both understand more than anyone else what the other is going through."

"I know, but it'd just be nice if we could define our relationship, if we are... in one?"

"Right now?"

"Well, yeah. Why not?"

"I don't know if either of us is stable enough to be in a relationship Ruby, I'd say we're still friends, is that okay?"

I laugh.

"I don't really have a choice, do I? I can't just refute your feelings Sky. But it's just funny to me. All the- the cuddling, and kisses. The time we spent together, even now? The night of the party? You were the one who kissed me! I just,, I thought we were a thing!"

"We aren't in the headspace-"

"I get it," I blurt. It's stupid to even think we could be together like this.

"Ruby, please don't take it like that, you know I'd love to be with you-"

"Then why don't you!?"

"It's not that easy-"

"Then I think I should be alone,"

"You know I can't just leave you by yourself-"

"FIne, then I'm going out." I press myself off the bed and put on a hoodie, I can't be near her right now. I can't push her away anymore. I need to get out before I say something I regret again.

"I'm just gonna get some iced coffee-"

"I can make us some, please just stay-"

"Sky stop! You know you're too weak to give me what I need right now, you can't even decide for yourself if you want me. And I don't think it's you, it's the afterthought of Colin. And it'll always be him over me, I get it now."

I place my hood over my head and walk out with my wallet. I can't believe myself.


"One iced mocha, uh peppermint sprinkles please? Thanks."

"That'll be $4.79,"

"Uh yeah, and can I get one of those punch cards?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"Heh, it's funny you know? I went on a date with this girl a while back; we missed happy hour, but she said it was alright because she had her punch card... I guess now that me and her aren't even on speaking terms, I still want remnants of her in my life. She fucked everything up for me--my friendships, future relationships, and fucking trust--but I miss her still. Is that fucked up?"

"Ma'am, if I may say so, that is pretty fucked up," they giggle, "You can remove your card now, but if you wanna talk about it, just take a look at your punch card."

I look at the back of it, and her number is on it. She smiles at me.

"Ah I really appreciate that, I'm flattered, but I'm just not looking for anyone right now. I'm,, really sorry."

"That's cool, don't worry about it. If you need someone to talk to, the offer still stands," she smiles.

"What was your name? Just so I know if I... you know-"

"It's Georgia, but if you don't mind," she whispers, "I do have a few more customers to get to, lemme get you your receipt cutie," I look behind me, shit. I forgot it was lunch rush.

"Agh, well thank you... Georgia. I really appreciate this, I'll uh,, see you later?"

"Anytime honey, see you around," she smiles and her face is deep pink.

I step to the side and wait for my drink, she was really cute. But I shouldn't bring her into my life, sure I told her all about it and she seemed alright with it, but what if she felt like she had to ask me out? Besides, that would crush Sky--for some reason--and complicate everything even more. Fuck. Why can't I just be happy?

"Extra large iced mocha for Ruby!"

That was fast. I head to the pickup window, there's a cookie too.

"Uh, I didn't order a cookie-?"

"It was on your receipt ma'am,"

I check, it is. Free of charge too. I see Georgia at the cashier, she looks to me and smiles big. I guess she didn't ask me out of guilt.

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