Part XV

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"Hey guys, we're back! Woah! Sorry to interrupt your makeout sesh!" Poppy bursts, Sunny follows close behind.

"Ah hey! Sorry uh, I hope you girls don't mind Ruby sleeping over tonight,"

"Yeah, that's totally chill-"

"I mind, Skyler."

"Sunny, what's uh- are you okay?"

"I don't want Ruby to sleepover tonight if that's okay,"

"Hey Sunny, can we talk about this? I know I lashed out at you earlier and I'm really sorry, just give me a chance and I can explain everything-"

Before I can finish, she grabs her keys and leaves.

"Sunny!" Skyler calls out,

"I'll go after her, I'm the one who hurt her,"

"Are you sure? I've never seen her this upset before, at least let me try and help-"

"I'll text you if anything, I can do this Sky. I'll be right back."

"Good luck Ruby," She kisses me before I leave, I rush out before I can even process it. Damn.

"Sunny! Wait up!"

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Please, just for a minute. I can explain-" She stops in her tracks, but doesn't turn around.

"Explain what Ruby? That you were right? And that I was stupid enough to ever think Violet thought of me as an equal?"

"Sunny, did something happen between you and Vi?"

"I told you, I don't want to talk about it,"

"Please, I really want us to be friends again," she sighs.

"Things, don't always happen like we want them to Ruby. Just,, leave it alone."


"It's hard enough losing a second friend! I don't need you to make me feel worse about my decision, please! Just leave me alone!"

Did it hurt her this much when I left her at the mall? When I bombarded her with the truth, when I forced her to choose a side?

"Fine, I'll go. I'll be out of your dorm in an hour. You don't have to worry about seeing me again. I hope everything gets better for you Sunny, I'm sorry."

She doesn't turn around, or say anything. I can see her trembling. I struggle to move, but I don't have to. She walks away.


"Hey, everything turn out okay? Sunny... she's not with you?"

"Uh, no. She... doesn't want me here, so I'll get my stuff. I'll be at Stella's if you wanna visit or, come with me. I won't force you to do anything Sky."

"I think I should stay, Poppy went straight to sleep. I don't want Sunny to be alone when she gets back,"

"Yeah, that sounds good. You're uh, you're a really good friend Skyler."

"I just want her to feel okay, I don't know what happened between you guys, but I'm here for both of you, okay? She just needs it more right now,"

"Oh yeah, I understand! No need to explain, I uh... I get it."

"And Ruby?"

"Uh, yeah?

"I meant what I said earlier, I really do love you. It's uh, kind of hard right now with the Colin and Violet situation, but I really want to be with you when this is all over. I just need time, if that's okay?"

"Of course that's okay," I grab my bag, "You'll know where to find me anyway, I'm only a drive away,"

"Yeah, I know," She gets up and meets me at the door, "Take my sweater okay? I'm sure it'll help until I can see you again," She grabs it off the coat hanger and wraps it over my shoulders. She looks at me with her hands at my neck, my heart is beating in my throat.

"I'm gonna miss you Ruby,"

" too,"

She leans into me and I panic, I robotically jerk my neck and meet her lips. I can feel her giggle, I love the feeling of her. I pull away, "Are you sure you don't wanna come with me? Just us, Stella, and whatever girl she's bringing over that night,"

"I already told you, I gotta be here. You'll see me in class, alright?"

"Alright babe, UH I MEAN-"

"It's okay Ruby, you should get going though. Text me when you're safe with Stella, yeah?"

"Yeah. Of course, bye Skyler,"


"So you guys kissed? AGAIN??"

"Yeah! I still can't believe it actually. She kissed me both times,"

"Correction: she's kissed you all  times, I'm actually surprised. Didn't think you would be the one to hesitate,"


"What? It's the truth! Step up your game and I won't have to tease you so much!!"

"Says the gal who's running out of girls to woo, you know there's only so many girls you can bring over, right?"

"Don't shame the player, I'm just playing the game."

"But seriously, have you ever had anything serious with any of them?"

"You know me, can't be tied down Rubes-"

"Bro, can you take this seriously? If I'm being real for a second, you've been a player ever since you told Karma-"

"Please don't Ruby- I haven't thought about her since then, I do not want to rehash it,"

"Alright then, that's my bad. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I'm gonna grab a drink, want something?"

"Eh, no thanks. I'll be in the guest room if you need me."

"Suit yourself love, and hey: I'm not mad at you for bringing her up, I've just got boundaries, okay? We're still okay," she smiles.

I smile back, "Yeah, no worries Stell,"

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