The Boggart In The Wardrobe

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The next day, after a long and infuriating potions class with Snape, we finally had a subject that we were looking forward to. Defence Against the Dark Arts with the new professor, R.J Lupin. Hermione had disappeared, and had been the topic of discussion for a few minutes, before reappearing behind us, running up the stairs.

"What...?" Ron said, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "But, how....?"

"Yeah, where did you come from?" Harry asked.

I looked at her weirdly. "How can someone be in two places at once?"

Hermione looked at us all like we were insane. "Two places at once?" She scoffed. "Impossible."

By the way she shuffled her feet and told us to hurry up I guessed it wasn't impossible, really. Harry, Ron and I exchanged knowing glances, but didn't bring it up again. We didn't want to get Hermione angry when it wasn't even lunch yet.

As we entered the classroom the first thing that happened to me was quite unpleasant. Neville shoved past me grumpily, muttering, "demon," under his breath. I rubbed my shoulder, glancing at my friends to make sure they hadn't noticed. Luckily, they hadn't.

I noticed, much to my dismay, that we had this class with Malfoy and his two pathetic side-kicks. Ugh. They sniggered at Harry. Malfoy clearly trying to show off his new, dramatic and unnecessary bandage covering his arm. What a twit.

"Foul git," Ron said quietly as we walked past them.

"Watch it, Weasley!" Draco yelled, but we ignored him, moving to stand on the other side of the room.

Apparently, we weren't going to be sitting at desks. I guessed from the way all of the to sled were pushed to the sides of the room, making a lot of room in the middle for a wonky, old, vintage looking wardrobe.

I was about to ask Hermione about it when Lupin walked in. "Welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts!"

He strolled over to the Boggart, leaning on it carelessly. "In this wardrobe is a Boggart. It will reveal your darkest fears. I want you to face those fears, by uttering one simple spell. Repeat after me." He pulled out his wand quickly.


We all repeated the unusual spell, and formed a line in front of the closest, people were strangely pushing their way to the front. But I was in no hurry to get to that Boggart. I didn't even know what my darkest fear was.

Neville Longbottom, the boy who seemed to despise me, was the first victim. Lupin unlocked the door, letting it swing open, revealing a deranged version of Snape. This clone of the evil old man was wearing a rodent around his neck and a bird as a hat. He staggered over to Neville, who was shaking.

He somehow managed to utter the spell, earning applause from the class. Next was Parvati, who's fear was a giant Python, which then turned into a jack-in-the-box. Then it was Ron's turn and I had already guessed his biggest fear. Spiders. Ron looked ready to vomit on his own shoes, but he proved me wrong, saying the spell nonetheless.

I was next. Me. It was my turn. Lupin nodded his head at me and out of the wardrobe came a large black dog, teeth bared. I stumbled back slightly, pulling out my wand.

"Ridikulus!" I yelled, and the dog disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Lupin shot me a surprised, and curious glance, saying, "miss Lestrange, would you please come and see me after class?"

I nodded warily, moving to the back of the line and avoiding eye contact with my friends. Harry moved to the front of the line, looking back at me. I dropped my head, staring at my feet awkwardly. He stepped up to the wardrobe, Hermione biting her nails behind him.

"Ready, Harry?" Lupin asked, his hand on the lock.

Harry nodded, aiming his wand at the old thing. My hands were shaking for some unknown reason, and my palms were sweaty. Malfoy and his two minions were sniggering behind their hands, but I ignored them.

The door's hinges creaked as it slowly opened, making the room fall silent. The Boggart took the form of something that truly terrified me this time. A Dementor. It loomed over Harry, who chanted the spell loudly and clearly. But nothing happened. The Dementor did not disappear.

Lupin finally realised what was happening and took action immediately, stepped in front of Harry and yelling a spell that I didn't hear clearly. The Dementor changed its form, turning into an orb of light that familiarly looked like the moon.

The professor's face turned white as he screamed, "ridikulus!"

The Boggart burst, flying back into the old wardrobe. Lupin shut the door, panting hard and yelling, "class dismissed!"

I aired for everyone to clear out of the room and then I approached Lupin slowly. He looked up at me, almost as if he was startled.

"Sorry, Hazel," he said. "But-"

"Wait," I said. "How do you know my name? You didn't read the register or anything and I'm not famous like Harry."

The scruffy man turned pale again. "I know your uncle," he whispered.

My eyebrows furrowed together in fake confusion, even though I knew what was happening. "W-what do you mean?"

He sighed. "Your Boggart was an interesting fear, Hazel. Do you know what it meant?"

I shook my head, muttering, "no."

He leaned in so that his voice was barely a whisper. "You're afraid they'll find out you're uncle is Sirius Black, the Grim."

And with that he turned and walked away. Leaving me in the eerie classroom, dumbfounded.

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