It's Not Over 'Till The Fat Lady Sings

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Defence Against The Dark Arts has become everyone's favourite subject, except Malfoy's, of course. He's always complaining about the state of professor Lupin's robes. Quidditch practice has begun, and I think Gryffindor has a fair chance of winning.

Halloween is nearing, which means Hogsmede visits, minus me and Hazeline. We weren't permitted to go, but I was actually okay with it, considering I wasn't alone. Lupin had invited me to tea today, so I was kind of worried about what Hazeline would say. She'd be alone, but I don't think I'll be long.

"Bye, guys," I said to Ron and Hermione, who were preparing to go to Hogsmede with the rest of our year. "Bring us back some sweets."

Ron laughed. "I'll try."

Hazeline smiled at Hermione, who was complaining about having to spend the whole day alone with Ron. Ron did not look amused, but he followed Hermione down the road after everyone else anyway, waving to us.

When they were out of sight I said, "hey, Hazel I- well, professor Lupins invited me for tea, privately. It won't be long though and then we can hang out. I'm sorry, I just I'm curious about the whole Boggart thing."

She stiffened when I mentioned the Boggart, but then smiled warmly at me. "Sure, Harry. That's fine, I'll see you later."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for understanding, Hazeline."

And with she hugged me, before walking back towards the castle. I turned in the opposite direction, heading to Lupin's office.

The first thing you noticed when you entered Lupin's office was the smell. It had a spooky, kind of smoky aroma and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Hello, Harry," a voice called from the shadows. "I'm so glad you decided to come."

I nodded, waiting for him to become visible. He came out, twirling his wand with his fingers. He ushered me to sit down and I did, waiting for him to explain.

"Now, I'm sure you want to hear about your Boggart," he said.

"Yes," I agreed, and then added, "but there's something else as well. I'd like to know about Hazeline's Boggart."

"Ah," Lupin said wistfully. "I'm sorry, but that's confidential. Now, about your Boggart..."

He poured tea from a kettle, handing me a cup.

"I wasn't originally going to let you have a turn because I didn't want Voldemort in the class, but I decided to let you go ahead anyway, stupidly. I was not expecting your Boggart to be Dementor though, Harry. Tell me, why?"

I shrugged. "I didn't even know what a Dementor was before the train ride. I guess I just didn't like how they made me feel."

Lupin nodded. "It seems like the Dementors are particularly interested in you, Harry. I'm going to teach you a spell to fend them off, would you like to learn it?"

"Well, yeah," I said. "But-"

I was cut off by the sound of the door creaking open. A tired-Snape walked in, wearing his usual frown and holding a steaming flask. I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion when he handed the flask to Lupin, who downed it quickly.

"And why might Mr Potter be here?" Professor Snape asked moodily.

Lupin shuffled in his chair uncomfortably. "I was explaining Harry's Boggart to him."

Snape nodded once before exiting the room in one swift motion. Lupin sighed once the door shut, making my curiosity grow. What if Snape was trying to poison Lupin to take his post as Defence Against The Dark Arts professor?

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