Why Pink?

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Lockhart was in such a good mood when Valentine's Day came. He decorated the halls, pink everywhere. I mean I'm not really complaining, but seriously, why pink? There were a lot more people snogging than usual and there was tension in the air between Hazel, Harry and Ron. Little dwarfs were hopping around handing out cards, curtesy of Lockhart.

"Hey, Hermione?" Harry asked. "Do you know if there have been any attacks recently?"

Hazeline tensed, as she usually did when we talked about this topic.

"Um, no," I said. "No attacks."

"Well," he said. "That's good."

Only then did I notice a little dwarf standing next to where we were all talking outside the great hall. He was trying to get Hazeline's attention but she was busy glaring at the diary Harry was holding, Tom's diary. What did she know about the diary? I wondered.

"Um, Hazel," I said and her head shot up. "He has something to give you."

I motioned towards the dwarf, who gave Hazeline about six pink and red cards with hearts all over them.

"Wow," I said. "You have quite a few admirers."

She looked utterly confused. "Do you think he made a mistake?"

"Well, your name is all over them," Ron said bitterly.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked, grinning. "Open them!"

She glanced at them warily. "What if it's a prank?"

"I'll open them for you," Harry volunteered and Hazel nodded in agreement, handing him the cards.

He opened the first one and nothing happened, prank-wise that is. He then handed it to Hazeline, a scowl set on his face. I knew Harry was annoyed that people had taken such a sudden interest in his crush. Ron was frowning too, but I didn't know his reason.

I glanced over Hazeline's shoulder, sneakily reading the card;

Dear Hazeline,
I wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day.
I hope to see you soon.
Cedric Diggory.
P.S: I think you're really pretty, but don't tell Harry I said that. ;)

It was short and simple, but I thought it was cute.

"Aw," I squealed. "That's adorable!"

She was blushing bright red as she said, "that's really sweet of him, but he's like four years older than me!"

"I think he means it in a friend kind of way," I said.

Harry ripped open the next card, his frown hardening as he gave it to Hazel. I read this one too.

Dear Hazeline,
Happy Valentine's Day.
I hope you're okay and had a good Christmas.
Your Secret Admirer.

Then it said on the bottom;

Rose a red,
Violets are blue.
No one in Hogwarts
Is prettier than you.

Hazeline's eyes were as wide as golf balls and her cheeks looked like they were on fire.

"Who's that one from?" Ron said through gritted teeth.

"It doesn't say," Hazel whispered, shrugging.

"Hazeline!" Seamus called as he walked into the great hall, his friends shoving him playfully.

He winked at her and then ran off, leaving Harry and Ron fuming and Hazel surprised. I guess that answered the question, didn't it?

"This is really starting to freak me out," she said.

I laughed, handing her the next card. It read;

Dear Hazeline,
Have a happy Valentine's Day.
I think you're really pretty, smart and brave.
Your secret admirer.

Hazeline was pocketing all of her cards, grinning as she did. I didn't get to read the others but the last one had to be funny because Hazeline laughed quietly, before shoving it in her robes. Harry looked ready to kill someone and it actually made me smile, that meant I was right. He did have a crush on Hazel.

But I also didn't want to mention that Harry had received also received a card today, I was certain it was from Ginny Weasley. That girl and a massive crush on him. I didn't want to ruin Hazel's good mood.

We all walked off together, down the pink hallways and past the dwarves. As we past Neville he frowned, turning to Hazeline.

"How many cards did you get, demon?" He laughed bitterly. "Zero?"

"Actually, Neville," I said, stepping towards him angrily. "She got six, that's six more than you got."

His ears went bright red and he started fiddling with his books nervously.

"She's a demon!" He yelled, before walking away swiftly.

I turned to Hazeline, rubbing her shoulder sympathetically.

"Thanks Hermione," she said. "But you don't have to do that. I don't want you to get involved. You shouldn't be brought into my messes." She turned to Harry and Ron, "any of you."

She hung her head quietly and Harry looked like he wanted to do something but he just stood there awkwardly, watching her.

"Hazel," I said. "We're your friends, right guys?"

"Yep," Ron agreed.

"Definitely." Harry smiled at her kindly.

"So," I continued. "Friends are supposed to be there for you. Your problems are our problems."

"Yeah," Ron said awkwardly. "And I'm sorry for ever thinking you were a demon. You're actually pretty cool."

She smiled at him and then said, "group hug?"

We all laughed, embracing each other. It was the best feeling I had had all day.

A/N: please vote and comment for some more Harreline action! :) ~Annabel.

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