Malfoy Manor In Summer

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My hands were shaking when we arrived at the Malfoy's house. It was huge, dark and grim. Why these people, mum? Of all the choices to choose from, she had to choose the Malfoys. Narcissa seemed quite sweet, but that was about the only good thing. Lucius seemed quite gloomy and moody and Draco was...well, he was Draco.

"Well," Narsissa chirped as we stood in front of the black front doors. "This is it. Malfoy Manor."

I nodded my head slowly, taking it all in. I craned my head over my shoulder to get one last glimpse at the gravel driveway before I was ushered into the dark house. As I followed the Malfoy's down the hallway I noticed that along the walls hung pale-faced portraits of the Malfoy's ancestors. Most of them had blonde hair, like the threesome in front of me.

"Draco, dear would you please show our guest the house?" Narcissa asked her son, who obliged.

"This way," Draco muttered under his breath.

The first room I was shown was one with a long, large table in it, an ornate mirror on one wall and a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The first thing I noticed was the smell. Salty, like blood. I decided to ignore that for the moment thougt, as we moved along the hall to the next room.

The next room Draco showed me, was his parents. It was again, dark and it hand one large black four-poster bed in the middle. Restricted furniture and another exact chandelier. He showed me all of the other guest rooms and they all looked the same as Lucius and Narcissa's, except with single beds.

"This is my room," Draco stated, motioning towards his room.

It was identical to the others, except I noticed that it had more ornaments lying around. He had a leather-covered book or journal on his bed, a glass snake on the windowsill and a tiny glass lion next to it.

He cleared his throat and said, "I'll show you to your room."

I nodded and followed him to a room right next to his, identical. Cold, dark and black. One small window in the whole room.

"Your luggage is already here," he told me, before leaving.

I unpacked everything and put on a navy blue jumper. This place was freezing! I placed Victoria's cage on the beside table and gave her a piece of bread. This was so strange. Why would mother send me here? How does she know the Malfoys?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of mumbling coming from outside my room. I stood up slowly and crept over to the door, pulling it open. Standing on the opposite side of the wide and outstretched hallway I saw the small figure of an elf. A house elf. I strolled over to it and tapped it's shoulder softly. It looked at me strangely.

"Hello. I'm Hazeline, who are you?" I asked the elf quietly, smiling.

"I'm Dobby. Dobby the house elf," Dobby replied.

"Um, is it always this dark?" I whispered to him.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Dobby!" I heard someone screech.

The small elf sighed heavily. "I'm sorry. Master calls me. I'll see you later."

I nodded and quickly scattered back into my room when I saw Draco looking at me pointedly. I didn't want to be here. Why couldn't I stay with Hermione? Or Harry? Or even Ron? That's how desperate I am. I'd even stay with Ron. I sighed and flopped onto my cold bed. I stared at the black ceiling, pondering. How does mum even know the Malfoy's? Where is she? Does she still care about me? When's uncle Sirius coming back? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

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