Going Home || The Chamber Of Secrets

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I rubbed my eyes, yawning. Today was going to be great. I was going home. I was going to see my friends again. Well, kind of friends. I got changed into a navy and white floral dress with orange flowers on it, a silver cardigan, an orange flower headband and silver sequin Converse. I brushed my knotted hair, or "birds nest" as my mother used to call it, and skipped off down the hall for breakfast.

Dobby was nowhere to be seen, and I was quite grateful to be honest. He was trying to stop me from going back to Hogwarts, but that wasn't going to happen. I scoffed down my breakfast, Draco avoiding eye contact the entire time.

"Okay kids," Narcissa sang. "Are you both ready?" I nodded. "Okay you're traveling by floo powder, we'll miss you!"

I rose from my chair and said, "thank you Narcissa and Lucius for having me here. It's been great."

"Oh, that's okay sweetie. We'll see you back here next summer," she chirped, as my face fell.

I quickly covered my frown with a fake smile. I didn't want to stay here any longer, I wanted to go back to my own home, with my mother. And things were just awkward with Draco now. I don't know how school would go, smoothly? Difficult? I guess I'd have to wait and see.

"Alright, Draco can you and Hazeline please get your trunks and things ready for when you leave? Time is ticking," Lucius said cooly.

I nodded quickly and scampered down the black hallways, to my bedroom. I dragged my trunk down the hall, seeing I couldn't actually pick it off the ground. It was so heavy! Draco walked past me like a king. He carried his trunk like it weighed nothing at all. I actually laughed at how he could pick it up, I laughed at myself. He looked at me, amused when he saw how I was transporting my luggage.

"Want some help?" He asked, laughing under his breath.

"No, I can do it," I replied back confidently.

"Suit yourself." He began to stalk off again.

"Actually," I called. "I could use some help."

He smiled at me, shaking his head and said, "Hazel, you know-about last night, I didn't mean it. Do you get what I meant?"

"No," I muttered. "Look, Draco I get it if you don't want to be seen around me. I'm fine."

"Hazeline Lestrange. I can tell that you're lying. I'm not breaking my promises, alright?"

"Fine," I huffed.

"Cool, now you go and get Victoria. I'll take these." He lifted my trunk as if it weighed nothing and walked off, smirking.

"Show off," I muttered under my breath and I could hear him chuckle.

I ran down the hall and grabbed Victoria's cage.

"Victoria!" I sang through the open window.

Soon enough I saw a white and brown blur emerging. The little barn owl swooped onto my outstretched arm and I placed her inside her cage. I raced down the hallway, back to the dining room. The Malfoys were waiting by the flu gate, Draco already standing inside.

"Okay, Hazeline you and Draco are going to travel together to avoid any missing children." Narsissa giggled. "I'll miss you both. Have fun and stay out of trouble!"

"We will," I assured her as she wrapped me in a bear hug.

When I was released from her cage of strength I gasped for air and Draco burst out laughing, his mother glaring at him. Lucius then wished me luck and I stepped into the floo gate, Victoria in one hand.

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