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"Ron!" Hazeline screeched, taking after the black dog who was dragging a screaming Ron by his leg.

I took after Hazel, the world flying past me in a blur of colours as I tried desperately to catch up with her, fearing that maybe she'd would do something stupid and get herself injured or... Killed.

My mind started reeling when I heard the sound of an axe slicing through flesh. My running pace slowed for a second, and Hazel even turned around to check that she had heard correctly. Unfortunately, I'm sure she had.

Buckbeak was dead.

While Hazeline's head was turned towards me, I could see tears forming in her eyes, but she kept running after our best friend anyway. My heart started thumping in my chest when Ron screamed for help, he must have caught his rat, because he was clutching something to his chest. He was dragged under the trunk of the Whomping Willow, into a tunnel that I had never even known about.

"Ron, no!" Hazeline screamed, taking after him furiously.

In unison Hermione and I yelled, "Hazeline, no!"

But it was too late, the branch of Whomping Willow had caught Hazel square in the stomach, clearly winding her as she gasped for breath.

"Help!" She shouted, once she'd got her breath back.

Me and Hermione didn't need to be told twice, we left and sucked under and over flying branches that were trying to attack us as we tried to save Hazeline. I saw my chance as the branch that Hazel was clinging onto flew past me.

I wasn't even thinking straight, I was overcome with the fear that Hazeline might be smashed to death by a bloody tree. I flung myself onto the branch, slowly sliding up it to meet Hazel's eyes, which were filled with horror and fear as they looked below us.

"Hermione, duck!" She yelled.

Luckily, Hermione had and she scampered down the whole in the tree trunk. In the heat of the moment, I grabbed Hazeline's hand once the branch was near enough to the hole in the ground and I pulled her off the branch with me, sending us tumbling into the hole in the tree trunk.

We went flying into Hermione, who went plummeting with us down the stairs. Once we'd come to the bottom of the stairs, I helped Hermione and Hazeline up, as we all easiness each other for cuts and bruises. Hazel and unfortunately been hit the worst, since she had scraped along the side of the tunnel as she flew threw it with me.

She had a large gash running down her right arm with many more cuts and bruises running down her arm. She clearly noticed my shocked expression because she just waved me off, saying, "it's just a scratch."

"Just a scratch?" I asked, bewildered. "Hazeline, I can see your bone!"

She shook her head. "Don't be dramatic, Harry. Ron is going to be far worse off than me if we don't find him soon."

"How are we going to find him?" Intervened Hermione.

I gulped, pointing to a line of crimson blood that was smeared beneath our feet and throughout the tunnel.

"My guess is as good as yours," I whispered, horrified.

Hazeline had turned very pale all of a sudden. "I hate blood. Let's just find Ron and get out of here."

We literally jumped at every noise that we heard, but we kept going because we were Gryffindors, and our friend was in grave danger. A noise from behind us made us all spin around, startled. Hermione muttered something under her breath about it "just being the wind," and we continued our course to Ron.When we turned a corner, we were greeted with a rickety wooden staircase. Hermione eyes widened.

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