Examinations And Fluffy

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The end of year exams have been and gone. I don't know how well I did but I know that Hermione did fantastically, obviously and Hazeline was studying like a girl possessed. I'm sure she did fine. But I wouldn't know, she never talks.

I was angry after detention that I didn't talk to anyone for the entire next day. I just hated Malfoy even more now, he's playing with her. I know it. But, when I wasn't angry about that, I was scared.

Voldemort was in the forest, I was sure it was him and if he's out there, then he's out there for only one reason. Me. Hagrid is the only one who would know, seeing Hagrid is the reason he's here, technically speaking.

There was only one thing I could do, find Hagrid. So, that's what I was going to do. He was still upset about Norbert's send off, we had to give him to Ron's older brother, Charlie and Hagrid was almost crying.

I have to admit I did feel kind of bad about the whole thing. But, I didn't think it was wise that Hagrid was illegally keeping a dragon in his hut. The door to the common room swung open and I stepped into the warmth and comfort.

I noticed that in the big red armchair sat a small girl with a diary and a pen, her hand flying across the page. As I strolled closer I recognised the girl as Hazeline Lestrange, her thick blonde hair was shielding her face from view. But as I cleared my throat her head shot upwards and stared at me expectingly.

"I was just heading down to Hagrid's. Do you want to join me?" I asked.

"What about Voldermort?" She asked quietly, but bravely.

"Dumbledore's here, so I'm safe," I stated.

"Uh-I. Ok." She sighed quietly.

I smiled at her and she raised up slowly and followed me out the room, down to the hut. The sun was beginning to set, so we didn't have much time. She looked nervous, she was fiddling with the hem of her small yellow dress.

I don't know why but she's always that way. I knocked on the door loudly and waited for a response. Hagrid appeared at the door, grinning.

"Harry!" His loud voice boomed. "You came! And you brough' our Hazel 'ere."

She looked insecure for a moment, before offering Hagrid a small smile. I loved her smile, she didn't smile often.

"Come in, come in." He stepped out of the way and we entered, sitting down at the small wooden table.

"Hagrid," I started. "Where did you get Fluffy?"

"Ah," he replied. "I was at a bar one night and I met this odd kinda fellow. He woul'nt show me 'is face, wearing a cloak an' all. I was a lil' drunk and I started to talk about old Fluffy. He seemed very interested and so then he asked how to tame 'im an' I told 'im that a all you had to do was play a lil' music for him and he'd fall right to sleep."

My eyes widened and I immediately shot up.

"I should not have said that, I should not have said that." Hagrid muttered as I grabbed Hazeline's wrist and dragged her out of the small hut.

"Thanks, Hagrid!" I yelled.

When we reached the castle I noticed Ron and Hermione looking at us worriedly. I told them to come with us and we all began to run to Dumbledore's office. I noticed McGonnagal's bony figure making its way toward us, a scowl on her face. I immediately halted and spread my arms out to stop the others.

"Professor?" Hermione asked.

"Professor McGonnagal could you please tell us where Dumbledore is? It's urgent," I queried.

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