Chapter 7: when things go boom

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-Rose POV-

I sighed as I looked out of the window on the airoplane.

We had just got on and were preparing to leave.

"Rose, are you okay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah." I mumbled turning my head to face him. "Just thinking about the day I got asigned as Tasha's guard." I told him with a little laugh. "Kinda ironic that now I'm not guarding her that she's after me." I laughed.

"I guess." He sighed. "But she will now think you're dead, after the funeral and dare I say it, what ever you told Queen Vasilissa seems to have everyone convinced." he sighed. "Shame the platinum from the bulit isn't compleatly out of your system, been 5 years so it shoulld be gone within a week, lucky you." he said then walked over to the bar.

"Wow." I said shaking my head. "You're serios for once, that's new." I laughed.

"Yeah well I need Tasha dead and soon." he told me.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because of revenge, she killed my great, great, great grandson." he told me and I burst out laughing.

"You're old." I spluttered. "Some people never even see their own kids grow up but you've seen you're great, great, whatever grandson?" I laughed.

"Actuly I've met my great. great, great, great, great grand daughter." he said solomly.

"As I said, O-L-D!" i laughed.

the rest of the flight I was asleep for, I couldn't really be bothered to talk strategy with him.

when we got out of the car and into our house we were met with a lovely surprise, Tasha Ozera!

"Well hello you two, long time to see." she told me. I looked into her eyes and saw the red that signaled she was strigoi. I had already known it but I just needed to make sure it hadn't changed, stranger things had happened.

"Tasha." I sneered.

"Oh dear, DEAD, rose." She said in a sweet tone exept from the word 'dead' which was practicaly spat at me.

"What?" I asked her as I bent down to reach into my boots so that I could get easy access to my stake.

"Do you want to kill me?" She asked calmly.

"Yes." I said in monotone.

"Okay." she said stretching out her arms so that I had easy access to her heart. I quickly drew my stake and looked around for Chriss but saw no sign of him. "Oh, but wait." she caclkled. "You should know I have your family hidden in one of the secret locations I own and if you kill me now I will never tell you, but on the other hand I could kill you and set them all free." She laughed. "If you don't let me kill you they will die of starvation and dehidration." she laughed.

I knew it wasn't a good idea to trust her, but hell it wasn't a good idea to trust anyone in the world, you never know who the lier is. She could easly be lying about my family and they could be dead already. she might not even have them, hell she could kill them after she killed me if she did have them. There were so many options that could be real but I knew I only had a split second decision as she pulled a=out a platinum blade. It was kill or be killed from then on.

I then decided what to do, I decided on the best path and choice to do.

I dropped to my knees and waited for death to come over me but the death that came over me litteraly fell on me.

Blood began to slowly drip down my face and stain the clothes I was wearing. The walls were coverd in it because of the way the cut happened. It was a slash cut. it was deep and went from the neck to the bottom of the rib cage, Tasha's rib cage.

"Rose are you stupid?" Chris asked as he halled Tasha'a body from on top of me. "She could have killed you, would have killed you, why did you just wait for death?" he raged.

"She said she had my family!" I yelled back.

I struggled to my feet but soon tripped on the blood. "If you think I am cleening this up you're wrong!" I yelled at him.

"She's a strigoi they lie all the time and yes you are cleaning this up or you will have to find somewhere else to live!" He yelled back.

it was rather strange that we were having two conversations at once but we always did it so it wasn't very strange to us.

A loud baning soon came on the door followed by the screachy voice of our nabor. "KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE YOU'RE ARGUING LIKE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE WHEN SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" she yelled.

"We'll find out about your family later but for now we clean up together, deal?" He asked extending his hand which was soaked with Tasha's blood.

"Deal," I huffed then got to work.

After a few hours of cleaning we took a few pictures to prove Tasha's death and burned the body.

"What do we do now?" I asked Chirs.

"No idea." He shrugged. "I honistly don't really care." He told me.

After we finished cleaning we sorted ourselves out and went out into the woods for a campfire and to burn Tasha's body, after taking a picture of it for any needed proof that Tasha was dead and gone.

"Does thus mean that we can go back to court now?" I asked. "I mean as ourselves."

"No." He sighed. "It was too easy to kill Tasha, something else has to be going on so I don't think it is safe yet but if you really want we can try going back for a while as other people then reveal who we are after we know that there are no threats there thats aim is to kill us let alone a threat." He explained to me and I had to agree that he had a valid point.

"Yeah, I guess," I sighed and began walking back through the dence woodland when I stumbled over a root and into the ground.

"You kive the Khemsiri a bad name with all of the mistakes that you make!" Chris laughed. "Maybe we should try to teach you some hand to eye cowardination so that we can tell them that you learned something while you weren't there."

I stood up, brushed myself off and left Chris rolling around in the mud and muttering about how funny he was... as if.


Authers note:

Hey guys,

Long time no see... sorry about that I have been in bospital alot recently due to breathing dificultys and the fact that I have suffered major writers block hasn't helped meone bit but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Best wishes



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