Chapter 3: decisions

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-Dimitri POV-

When I woke up I had many thoughts run through my head but the most important one was: what the hell am I doing? i got engaged to Lila! was it a mistake, i wasn't sure. maybe it was because i missed rose so much and finaly have confermation on her death, or maybe it was that i had finaly decided to move on. what ever reason it was i wasn't sure but i guess i had to try to move on from rose.

i got up to find Lila had already gone, she was usuallly gone when i woke up because she was more of a morning person than even me!

just when i was about to have a shower the phone to my room rang and i quickly ran to get it.

"Hello?" i asked into the phone.

"Hey Dimitri it's Edie i was wondering if you were going to come to the welcome feast tonight?" he asked me and i groaned dragging one of my hands down my face.

"Yeah, i promissed Lissa i would go because she saw the, and i quoat, 'cutest cuple EVER'" i mimmicked i a high pitched suealy voice. her annoying side came out when she was heavily pregnant, i knew from experiance. "Oh and because this amazing spirit user is attending, by the way she talks about him you'd think she loves him more than Christian!" i complained.

Edie just laughed. "Yeah i heard about that, think two weeks and she will go into depression because of no longer being pregnant and coming out of her daze so she knows Rose is really dead." he sighed. "I wonder if she's on druggs when she's pregnant or if it's just the baby inside of her." he questiond himself.

"I think it's both." i laughed. "Well i got to go i need a shower, then to train, then another shower" i sighed and he chuckled.

"See yuh" he muttered.

"Yeah." i sighed then hung up.

-Rose POV-

i looked at myself in the mirror. i was in my descise. i had flowing long blonde locks that was nothing like my short black and blue hair. yes i had died and kept cutting my hair since i 'died'. it was only because when i first woke up i was in depresion and having brown hair reminded me too much of dimitri.

you would only be able to feel my blond hair from my sholders down but it didn't matter because i had 'put it in a bun' when i only imagioned in to be in a bun. i had blue eyes and pale skin like a moroi does. i was wearing a long golden dress that had a long slit down the side and was straples.

i looked over to Chris who was in a nice black suit with a gold tie the same colour as mine and a hancerchef type thing that was the same colour in his top pocket.

"Lets go." i muttered and put my hand on his arm and he smirked. he had to escort me to the feast and i felt really uncomferable doing it but didn't want to look suspisios.

once we reached the hall there was a room full of moroi, khemsiri that i had turned and some Dhampires that i had known from eather st. vladimears or when i had been a dhampire.

"This is so awkward." i muttered to Chris as a waiter headed to us with a tray of champaine and we gladly took one glass each.

Chris tapped the rim of his glass against mine then took a sip "Did you know that the reason we touch glasses now is because of the vikings?" he asked and i knew from the look on his face that he actuly remembered that eira. "They did it so that if one of them was poisened as the cups colided and their drinks spilt into each others cups that they would all die. it was a sign of respect to do it." he smiled.

"You should be a history teacher." i told him. "You probably know where the lost city of atlantice is." i muttered and he smiled.

"Actuly i was there when it 'dissapeared'" he told me and i raised my eyebrows asking him to continue. "Yes at the time i was getting used to my powers and acsidently hid it from the world and the world from it." he muttered scratching the back of his neck. "people still live there because they don't know the outside world exsists and they think i'm some god that can come and go as he pleases." he admitted with a sheepish smile.

Can't Lose (A Vampire Academy Fanfic) (Sequel To Blood Rose)Where stories live. Discover now