Chapter 12: What the hell?

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-Roses POV-

"You've got the wrong person." I laughed as I jumped back into the gap above the roof. "You're looking for Vasilisa, well she left." I smirked as they threw fire at me.

"Then why are you here pregnant lady?" The woman hissed as she burnt through the ceiling of the mall and avoided the beam of light.

"Because I am her friend, and you flung me up here." I smirked as I made the hole in the ceiling large enough that I could stand in the beam of light and that they wouldn't get me.

"You think that would stop me?" The man said and pulled out a gun.

"I'm not a Dhampire or one of you, a gun and silver won't kill me!" I laughed.

"You think this is silver?" He asked as he took a bullet out of his pocket and showed it to me. "Let me guess, you're one of those guards they have?" He asked with a smirk. "You wont believe how much this bullet costs." He laughed as he put it in the barrel and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly a flash forced them into a wall by their throats as I fell to the ground. My stomach burning up from the inside.

I took down my cover because I didn't have the strength to keep it up as I tried to dig out the bullet from my chest, but there was none, it was a fragment bullet.

"I..." I began as I looked over to Chris who was crushing the throats of two strigoi.

I couldn't complete the sentence because I felt like I had swallowed a metallic ocean that was coming back up. My skin was slowly forcing the fragments out of my body as any contaminated blood was being forced out through my mouth, nose, eyes, ears, nails and any other area that it could escape.

"ROSE!" Chris yelled as he pulled the two strigoi into the light with him then forced them down the hole in the roof on top of several Dhampires.

"What's going on up there?" Dimitri's voice called up and Chris bared his fangs down the hole in anger.

"Get those two into some sort of damned cage, I think the king would like to see his parents again, don't you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Get them out of here." He told the rest of the Dhampires before climbing up through the hole to se the bloody state that I was in, but he couldn't quite recognise me. "Is that Lena?" he asked confused that I was completely different and not pregnant.

"Did you really expect me to have a mortal as my wife, let alone a companion?" He asked. "No, she is just a friend but please leave, she needs the space." He explained.

"Is she a Khemsiri?" Dimitri asked in shock and Chris placed his hand on my back as I crouched forwards, my back to Dimitri, and threw up another round of toxic blood that burnt my throat.

"I don't remember it being this bad the last time I got shot." I croaked in a distorted voice from my throat trying to heal itself from the platinum that was eroding it.

"Last time your body didn't know how to fight it off effectively." He explained. "It gets better each time." He explained.

"You've been through this?" I asked as I tried to look at him but blood was covering my eyes so I couldn't see.

"I went through it on a minor scale." He said. "I got stabbed many times before I built up a tolerance to it." He sighed. "The good thing is that strigoi can't build up a tolerance to it." He smiled as he stroked my hair, tying it out of my face.

I tried grinning but I just ended up throwing more blood up as I heard a light metallic twang on the roof as the fragments began to fall from my body.

"Can I help?" Dimitri asked and Chris snorted.

"I already told you not to come up here, just go, I can handle this." He spat back.

"She's dying!" Dimitri protested. "We should get her back to court."

"NO!" Chris yelled as Dimitri's had touched my back before being removed by force. "She can't go back yet, she should be fine."

"What are you going to do then, go back to wherever you came from?" Dimitri asked.

"We'll go back into the wood work." Chris snarled. "I could become anyone, you..." He said and I noticed a change in his voice and physique that mimicked Dimitri's "Rose..." Said then mimicked me. "The queen." He did the same before becoming himself again. "Leave." He sighed.

"What are you hiding?" Dimitri asked as the last clang sounded and I collapsed to the side of the platinum fragments.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked as I spat out the last of the blood and tried to change only to find that I didn't have enough strength. "It'll take a few days before you will be able to change again." He said as he stroked my hair and Dimitri's had removed itself from my back before rolling my body onto my back and wiping some of the blood and hair from my face.

"Rose?" He asked in a choked voice, but I couldn't quite see properly through the blood.

"LEAVE!" Chris suddenly yelled and stood up, forcing Dimitri back. "This is not your place to be, go back to court where you belong."

"I can't leave now, I can't leave her!" Dimitri growled out pushing Chris back with all of his force but only managing to make him take a slight step back.

"Do you really want to fight me?" Chris seethed and I rolled myself onto my front, wiping as much blood away as I could.

When I found them in my field of vision again Chris was hanging Dimitri from his neck, over the hole that went back down into the shop.

"Stop!" I screeched in a distorted voice. "Chris! Stop this right now!!" I yelled. "Let him go, for god's sake let him go."

"But he's seen you." He replied in a dark voice. "I can't let him go if he knows who you are, you don't want anyone to know anyway, do you?" He asked as he swivelled his head around. "That's why you never said anything, even though I gave you all of these chances to go back." He said and I fell silent. "This is the second time we've been here yet you still refused to tell them anything, I thought you would have said something at your funeral... but you didn't."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I have been willing to hide your secret for as long as you want me to and then all of a sudden you don't care about anything, why?" He asked me and I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion.

"I still don't understand." I said and he threw Dimitri, lightly, to the side where he began coughing.

"You were prepared to keep it a secret, meaning you were prepared to just stand by and let them age then die, what is the difference?" He asked.

"I..." I stumbled. "I don't want them to..."

"I understand." He said before sighing and sitting down. "Damn, that took a lot, it also makes me look like the bad guy."

"You're insane." I sighed as I tried to crawl my way over to Dimitri.

"Or maybe I've only been trying to let you see what was right in front of you, I even gave them the wrong injury hoping you would out yourself sooner." He told me.

"You are the strangest person I've ever met..."

"I guess." He said before picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder and looking at Dimitri as he got up and glaired at Chris. "Let's go." He sighed as he jumped down, waiting for Dimitri to follow.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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