Chapter 8: On the road again

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-Rose POV-

After a few days we set of again, back in the direction of court, again by plane.

"You know, we have been on a plane twice in two days." I said in a bored tone as I looked out the window and to the land below me.

"And?" He asked. I was beginning to think that he was similar to Dimitri as he was sitting in the seat with his grey hat and a book that looked a lot like the encyclopaedia Britannia! With Dimitri it was dusters and westerns and with Chris it was hats and thick books. Both of them carried either a bored expression or none at all and both of them always seem to laugh at my mistakes.

"You're just like a copy of Dimitri." I laughed then he looked over to me and raised his eyebrows before shaking his head and looking back down at the book in his hands. "What?" I asked.

"It's just that I was born before Dimitri so in actuality he would be a copy of me." he pointed out... Oh yes, another one of their shared traits: they make me feel like an idiot! "I believe that the correct terminology would be reincarnation." he said and I just huffed, crossing my arms like a little kid.

"I don't care what the 'correct terminology' is or whatever!" I groaned and slouched back into my seat. "I was just talking to myself, not you."

"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness." He told me as he turned the page but didn't bother to look up and meet my eyes.

"No it's not, knowing you is the first sign of madness." I told him and he turned to look at me with raised eyebrows.

"How so?" He asked and I laughed at his question whilst I thought of a good come back.

"Because everyone that has ever known you went mad. Now they have a room already set for me just because I met you!" I resorted. I knew that it was a terrible come back but it was all that I could think of at the time.

"Your fast thinking skills still leave a lot to be desired." He muttered as he read through the page of his book, mouthing all of the sentences.

"What are you reading?" I asked even though I didn't really care what it was, I was just to fidgety and needed to have a distraction.

"War and peace." He mumbled then turned the page again.

"I have heard that the book is unfishable." I said as I recalled people moaning about when they tried reading it.

He just shrugged and said: "This is my third time reading the book." I turned to him in shock. "I have to do something to pass the time in this long life time." he told me defensively, finally looking up from his book.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend or something?" I asked him.

"Because I don't want to turn anybody and I don't want them to die while I keep on living. That would be like the worst romance story in history." he groaned and I laughed.

Can't Lose (A Vampire Academy Fanfic) (Sequel To Blood Rose)Where stories live. Discover now