Chapter 9:

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-Rose POV-

I stood there glaring at Chris as he asked about if Lissa wanted to meet the famous 'Christopher' and I wanted to whack him around the head so hard that his brains came out of his ears, if he had any that is!

"What do you think about it, Lena?" Chris asked me and I turned to him with a sour expression on my face as I tried to burn his head off with my eyes.

"I think that would be amazing, if you could do that." I ground out and Lissa looked at me in shock.

"Are you okay, is the baby hurting you?" She asked and I quickly changed my expression.

"Uh, no!" I rushed out. "I just felt a kick but it's stopped now and C- I mean Michal ruined my focus." I told her.

"Oh, okay." She sighed.

"So, would you like to meet Christopher?" He asked them and I turned to glare at him once again. I bet he was just doing that to piss me off and guess what? It was working!

"You actually know him?" Lissa asked in shock.

"Know him?" He asked. "I practically am him!" Chris said and I mentally face palmed that Lissa and Sparky hadn't picked it up yet.

I walked closer to Chris, leaned in and whispered. "I'm going to leave Lissa and sparky to you, you do what you like but don't get me involved, got it? It's great to see them, yes but I don't want to be known." I muttered.

He nodded in understanding and I walked off in the direction of one of the courts gardens.

When I arrived I sat on a bench and looked at the roses and then looked up a bit to see Dimitri crouched down by a blue one looking at it like it would solve life's problems.

"Why are you not looking at a red rose?" I asked him.

"I know this will sound really poetic and love struck." He told me as he continued to stair at the blue rose. "But a red rose reminds me of my lovers death and a blue one is a hope that she'll come back." He muttered and I laughed.

"Get rid of the accent and go back a few years, you could be Shakespeare." I laughed at him.

He looked over at me and then saw that I was pregnant. "I wished that could have had a child." He told me as he stood up and came over to sit by me. "but I was not that lucky, even though we had found out that we could have a child we never did." He sighed.

"But I heard that you were getting married." I told him and he sighed deeply.

"I don't know anymore." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't love her, she is a friend that I could never love yet I am engaged to her." He laughed at his own stupidity.

"Then why are you talking to a stranger when you should be trying to make up your mind about your future. Never dwell on the past." I told him but I only felt like a hypocrite, it was time for me to accept that he should be with someone who will age with him, love him and die with him. "Find someone you love and love them, live with them and die with them." I muttered as I stood up and turned to face away from him for he wouldn't see my face along with how much of a cry baby I had become after losing him. "I made a mistake like you have before but let me tell you that true love only blooms once and when that is gone there will be someone to hold close at night, but it won't be your true love, it will be a lover that will stay." I told him and then walked off.

Can't Lose (A Vampire Academy Fanfic) (Sequel To Blood Rose)Where stories live. Discover now