Chapter 2: Suck it up!

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-Rose POV-

left kick, left kick, right uppercut, left hook, knee to the gut, right palm to jaw, left palm to back of head to bring oponant down, right fist to...

this was Chris' idea of going easy whilst training! 2 hours strait! no breaks untill lunch then another 3 hours! thats obsesive, even for my normal!

"Good work." he told me with a smile. "Your still recovering so you did extreamly well." he told me with a smile as he wiped the sweat beading on his brow.

"Thanks." i told him but in truth, i would have found it hard to do the work even without being indured.

"Well we better get back to the house before nightfall." he sighed. "I have been summened to the royal court for the burial of Rose Hathaway-Mazure." he told me. "Your coming as well." he sighed. "As my plus one." he said with a smirk that freaked me out. "As my girlfriend." he said with a cheaky grin.

"Oh HELL NO!" i screamed.

"Suck it up baby it's only a funaral in which you will sheald your apperance so that you can see your friends." he said as though it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Why do i even have to sheald my aperance again?" i asked him.

"Because Tasha Ozera is a threat now and she's after you!" he explained.

"Fine." i sighed and followed him.

"We will leave tonight, now!" he said then knocked me out, the bastered.

"Rose... Rose... Wake up damn it!" Chris' voice demanded then a slap across the face woke me up.

"Yeah what?" i spat at him anoyed by his wake up method.

"Were here." he told me and whispered in my ear. "Change apperance." i quickly followed orders as he did the same and the Court began to come into veiw.

"Names?" Eddies voice asked from the potrole box and i had to fight myself from breaking down and addmiting who i was.

"Mr and Mrs Michalson." Chris staited and i sent him a growl.

"First names?" Eddie asked.

"Vironica and Pete." he said tapping the names on the clip board.

"Ah, moroi, you will be in the Lilac suite on the third floor." he told us. "Victoria Belicove has been selected to be your Dhampire guardian whilst you stay." he told us then opened the gates.

"Thank you." Chris said then drove through.

"Vironica and Pete? Really?" i asked. "And married? well i guess my 'husband' will be taking the couch." i told him putting air cotes around 'husband'.

he just laughed. "If i do the midnight maid will think it suspicios and report us then i will never take you on my little adventures to Court again." he smirked.

"Your not going comando i can tell you that for nothing." i told him and his smirk just grew.

when we got to our room i saw Victoria waiting just inside and bairly resisted the urges to run up and hug her.

"Hello, my name is Victoria Belecove and i will be your guard while your here." she told us.

"Well I'm Vironica and this is my husband Pete." i said jesturing to Chris.

"You must be related to Dimitri Belicove." Chris said with a small smile.

"Well, yes i am, he's my brother." she told him

"Oh, well i'm sorry for the loss of his feoncey and i hope that me and Vironica last longer than they did as a couple." he sighed and i almost broke his arm in anoyance.

Can't Lose (A Vampire Academy Fanfic) (Sequel To Blood Rose)Where stories live. Discover now