Chapter 3

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|Speedy's POV|

We had planned to go out and have fun today, but I didn't think it would be to go to the store. Shadow needed catnip for Alli. What a great way to start a day. But I won't complain more than that.

As I was looking for him, in the aisles of the store, I thought I recognized Albi.

"ShadowBeatz, get your ass moving", I said as I finally found him in the cleaning products aisle. "Come on, we don- Albi?"

He turned around with wide eyes and said, "Hi."

Oh my god, it was Albi! After five years, he came back! I ran to him and hugged him, nearly pinning him to the ground. I began to feel the nostalgy in my stomach as I hugged the smaller man, remembering the events.

I pulled away and smiled at him. "We've missed you so much, Albi!"

"I missed you too, you know", he smiled sadly. He turned to Shadow and smiled. "I missed you too, ShadowBeatz."

"Yeah, me too", he mumbled, looking at the ground.

"What are you doing here anyway?", I asked Albi.

His smile grew wider, in excitement I guess. "I came back to see G! I really miss him", he responded, excitedly.

Shadow and I's smile faded slowly at the mention of his name. Shadow and I made eye contact and I shook my head slightly as saying 'not yet'. He understood and didn't say anything. Albi looked at us, frowning, obviously not understanding what was going on.

"What's wrong?", Albi asked.

Shadow, still not saying anything, continued his way towards the catnip. I forced a smile and patted his shoulder. "Nothing. How about we meet later this week so we can catch up on what's been going on this past five years?"


"You still have our numbers?"

"I changed my phone so, no."

"Alright, here's mine", I said, typing in my phone number into Albi's phone. "And here is Shadow's. You know you can call us whenever you want."

"Yeah, I know", he smiled. "Can I have G's number too?"

"I, euh, don't remember it by heart. I'll give it to you later, okay?"

"Okay! See you soon then!", he shouted, turning the corner of the aisle and disappearing.

"Yeah, see you soon...", I mumbled to myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned back to face Shadow who had found his catnip.

"Don't worry", he said. "I'll talk to him later tonight and we'll see if he even remember him."

"He can't not remember Albi! He's the love of his life! He changed G's life and you know it as well as I do. G completely changed after Albi left..."

"I know he did. I'm the one who eased it all."

"And I'm thankful for that. Who knows what he would be today if you never did what you did?"

"Probably worst."


"And you? I never really asked you how you felt since Maria left."

"I...actually miss her a lot. I wished she came here with Albi..."

"Who said she wasn't here? Did you ask Albi?"

"No, but do you really think Albi would've came to the store without Maria?"

"I guess you're right..."

"Let's just go home already. I'm tired."

• • •

|Shadow's POV|

After dinner, I decided to skype call G. It's been a very long time since the last time I talked to him, so I doubt he would even answer.

"What's up Beatz?", I heard after a while. No need to say that I was a little surprised.

"Nothing much. How about you? How've you been?", I asked him, turning on the face cam. He turned his face cam on as well and I smiled at the sight of his golden blond hair and beautiful green eyes.

"I'm good, and...", he said, leaning down to, I guess, reach something that was on the floor. "I got my new controller."

I smiled when I saw his new controller. "It's really nice", I told him sincerely.

"Thank you! So, why have you called? It's been quite a long time since we talked to each other."

"Yeah, I know but, what would you do if I told you he came back?"

"W-What do you mean he c-came b-back?", he stuttered his words.

"He came back."

"I-Is that some kind of joke?", he asked, now frowning.

"Do you really think I would call you after a year without news from you, and tell you a joke?"

I watched closely as his expression changed. His frown loosen up to become a sad look, his eyes beginning to tear up, his lips shaking slightly. That's when he cracked. He started crying quite loudly, sobbing with his hands on his face. I have to say that I was kind of sad for him.

"He came back for you, G. I think he might still love you", I said, trying to comfort him.

"You know I can't see him! I wouldn't stand it! Not after what I've done!", he screamed, still crying.

"G18, whip those tears and cheer up. You're an adult now, take on yourself."

He whipped his tears with his sleeve, sniffing and with red puffy eyes.

"He came back here for you, to see you. He even asked Speedy for your number, but he didn't give it to him because he knew you wouldn't have wanted to. All I ask you is to come back here, just for a week, or just for the weekend, and meet up with Albi again."

He looked at me with almost pleasing eyes and whispered, "Don't make me do that, please..."

"I'm not forcing you, but if you don't come, I'm sending Albi to you." I smiled interiorly at my new idea. Will I really do that if G didn't come? Maybe, I don't know. I'll have to discuss with Speedy first.

"You wouldn't do that", his the only thing he said.

I smirked at him and said, "You sure I wouldn't?"

His eyes widden in shock and he frowned. "Please, Shadow. Let me at least think about it and I'll call you in a day or two. Just let me think about it, please."

"Okay. But you have two days, no more than that. If you don't call me, I'm sending him to you."

"I'll call you, don't worry."

"Okay. Talk to you soon."


I ended the call and leaned back in my computer chair. What have I done?, I thought. I don't think G is even ready to see Albi again. I shouldn't have pressured him. I don't think I will really send Albi to G. I just wanted to make him come here so we can hang out all together, like five years ago when we were all the bestest of friends. All The Crew still lives here, G is the only one who moved out to California, far from all of us. I guess he just wanted some space after his boyfriend left the United States. Speaking of which, does G even consider Albi as his boyfriend still? Maybe I should ask him when he'll call back.


Meant to be back [Sequel to Exchanged] [CREWFIC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz