Chapter 24

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|Albi's POV|

G18: Albi, where the fuck are you?

G18: Please answer me baby!

G18: Albi, come back home!

Speedy: Where are you??

G18: Please... Albi, I love you so much, I don't want to lose you...

My phone kept blowing up of notifications. Didn't they see I wasn't in the mood to answer? My parents just died, I need some time alone!

At about 2 in the morning, I just needed to go outside and take a walk, breathing some air. Now, a couple hours later, I was still outside. I believed G was awake and panicked when he saw I wasn't there anymore...

I had ended up in a random park. I didn't even know if I was still in town, but I didn't care. I just sat on a bench and contemplated my life. I remembered all the good memories I had with Maria and my parents, from day one until the very last day. I still couldn't get over the fact that they actually weren't part of this world anymore...

"Hey, what's up, dude?"

I looked up. A stranger was literally hovering over me, looking down at me. By habit, I looked around just to make sure he really was talking to me.

"Yes, I'm talking to you. Who else could I be talking to?", he said with a raspy voice.

He sat next to me. I didn't know that man, but I kind of didn't care at this point.

"May I ask you what makes you look so sad?", he said with concern.

I didn't hesitate on telling him what happened with my life. It's not like I would see him again anyway.

"My parents died recently...", I managed to get out without choking.

He gave me an apologetic smile and patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry for your lost, man. It must be a tough thing to handle."

I just nodded and looked down. Tears treatened to pour, but no way I was going to let them. Not in front of a stranger. I might look weak.

"Why are you here this early in the morning? Wouldn't it be more pleasant to be around your family and friends?", the man asked.

I sniffed and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "I kinda needed time alone, I guess. Sure my boyfriend is there for me, but time alone was strongly necessairy for now."

I wouldn't lie saying I expected an answer from the man. I looked up and the face of disgust he made surprised me. It wasn't really the expression I expected, I guess...

"I euh have other things to do, sorry." He got up and almost ran away from me. I sighed. Another homophobe, I thought.

Well that was a hell of a great conversation. I got up from my not warm bench, since I'd been sitting on it for quite a long time, and walked back home.

• • •

|G18's POV|

"He won't answer my texts!", I screamed.

"Calm down, G. He maybe went for a walk and forgot his phone", Speedy tried to reassure me. Without any luck.

"I know he didn't. He never forgets his phone. And I doubt he went for a walk, he doesn't quite like doing exercise."

Speedy sighed. "Well I don't really know, G..."

"What if he was taken? Or killed?! What if my baby-"

"Oh hey, Albi", Speedy said casually.

I spun around to see Albi in the door frame of the living room. Dark bags under his eyes, pale face. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Where were you?", I whispered in his ear.

He pulled away from the hug and shrugged. "I just needed time alone."

"Well I'll let you guys. I told Maria I was out to buy some things. See you later", Speedy said as he walked out of the apartment.

"I'm sorry, G...", he apologized, looking down and playing nervously with his fingers.

"It's alright. I was just really worried for you. I didn't want to lose you again, baby..."

"You won't lose me, G. Never again."

• • •

Sorry guys for the long wait. Had other things to do. hope you enjoyed anyway. Don't forget to vote!


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