Chapter 1

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|Albi's POV| (In Albania)

5 years later...

"Albi, wake up! We'll be late for work!", yelled David, my roommate.

I groaned, but jumped out of bed anyway. I slipped on some short black shorts, a white tank top along with red Vans and a red snapback. I brushed my teeth quickly and ran to the living room where David was waiting for me.

"Hurry up!", he said, shoving the front door open. I followed him outside and we walked to the coffee shop at the end of the street.

• • •

"Thank you! Have a nice day", I said to the customer, handing him his coffee. He stormed out of the shop and I leaned on the counter, my chin in my hand.

David, who was cleaning the tables off, snickered and shook his head. "What?", I snapped.

"Even when you try your best not to sound sarcastic, you fail."

"Oh shut up."

"Whatever, man."

David continued his cleaning while I looked out the window, admiring the view. The sunset was reflecting on the calm water, making the sea look like a giant mirror.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a customer entering the small shop. The boy was almost dressed like me, the only difference was that he didn't have a snapback and he wore a yellow tank top. He walked towards the counter, looking at the choices behind me. He then came to me and ordered his drink. "It's already done!", I said, spinning around and starting the machines.

Minutes later, I was handing him his coffee. "It'll make 3.50$, please."

He shoved his hand in his front pocket and handed me a five. I took it and gave him the change back. As soon as we made eye contact, the world around me stopped turning. Everything froze.

His green eyes were the same as G18's eyes. The ones I used to watched before kissing him. Only a glance at his globes and I was out of this world. All the memories I had with G suddenly popped in my head. I never really stopped thinking about him, but I wasn't always thinking of him like I used to do when I was in America.

"Sir? Sir? Are you alright?", were the last words I heard before sinking into pure blackness.

|David's POV|

"Sir? Sir? Are you alright?", said the boy, panicking.

As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, my head shot up and I ran behind the counter, where Albi was lying. I told the boy to call an ambulance, which he did without arguing.

Soon enough, the medical vehicule was parking in front of the coffee shop, three men in uniform rushing into the shop with a stretcher. They put Albi on the stretcher and left for the hospital.

As soon as they left, I called my boss and explained him what had just happened. He understood and allowed me to close the coffee shop for the rest of the day, which I did. I locked the door of the shop and drove to the hospital.

• • •

|Albi's POV|

"...alright?", someone mumbled.

"Yes", another voice said, more clearly this time.

I slowly blinked my eyes open to see a blurred figure next to me. I dicerned their black shirt and dark hair, and soon felt their hand ontop of mine, squeezing it slightly. I heard a small gasp followed by some clearer words.

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