Chapter 4

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|G18's POV|

"I have no idea of what I should do", I said as I run my fingers through my silky blonde hair.

"I don't know either, G", my roommate Evan said. "I guess you need to follow your heart."

"Easier said then done."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "I honestly don't know what my heart is telling me. One part wants me to go to Albi and the other part wants me to move on because it thinks he'll leave again."

Evan got up and placed his hand on my back. "Just remember he's not the same highschool exchanged student he was before. He's an adult now, and can and will make his own decisions."

"I know, but what do I do?"

"Like what I said about Albi, you are an adult and you can make your own decisions. I've gotta go to work, dolphin. If you need anything, just text me." Evan patted me on the back before grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter and leaving.

"I should call Speedy", I said to no one other than Evan's cat, Haythan. The cat only looked up at me in response, tilting his head to the side. I shook my head. "What do you know, Haythan? You're just a cat."

"Hey, D20. What's up?", Speedy answered his phone.

"Eum, it's G." I had no idea why he called me D20.

"I know, it's crazy that Albi's back!" I now knew what was going on. Albi was there with him.

"Call me after he leaves."

"Okay, man. Come on over if you feel like it." I hung up as soon as he finished his sentence.

"You know what, Haythan?" The cat look at me. "I might just take Speedy up on his offer and come over." Haythan meowed. "I'll take that as a yes."

• • •

|Albi's POV|

"I wonder what G18 is doing know?", I asked myself as I layed in bed trying to fall asleep. I rolled over and turned off my lamp. It'd be a lot easier to sleep if he was here with me instead of avoiding me, I thought.

*Le dream*

I'm currently walking down the hallway of the house I used to live in with Sonia, Peter, and Maria during the exchange program. I walked into my old room to see flowers spread around the floor and a smiling G18 sitting on the bed.

"G, what's all this?", I asked, curious of what the older man had done to my room.

He smiled. "My sweet prince, all this is for you, so I can ask you a very important question and tell you something you should really know."

I smiled, hoping the question would be the one that would make all my dreams come true. "Well , what is the question, love?"

"The thing I needed to tell you is...", he took my hand in his and looked me straight in the eyes. "Shadow and I are getting married, and I want you to be my best man."

*End of le dream*

I woke up panting and almost in tears. Is this why Shadow and Speedy were acting so weird at the store? Are Shadow and G a thing? All these questions were running through my head, but the one that hurt me the most was Did G really move on and got with the guy who did nothing but try to ruin us?


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