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"Hurry, daddy!" I giggled as I dragged the man along behind me, his wife trailing after us with a small smile on her face. "The ice cream shop is about to close!"

The red denim dress clung to my sweaty shoulders and my white shoes were scuffed and muddy. My head of long hair flowed in the warm summer wind that night, dancing around my head.

"We're coming, Azalea," laughed the man. "Hold your horses, sweetheart."

"We should tell her tonight, Steven" whispered the woman.

"I know, Maribelle, but let her get her ice cream first."

I spooned great heaps of the cold dessert into my mouth as they looked at each other awkwardly.

"Hey, pumpkin," Mommy said slowly. "Remember how we talk about your other mommy and daddy?"

"The ones in heaven?" I asked, my mouth full.

"Well, we don't know if they're in heaven, sweetie," Daddy cut in. "They could still be here on earth."

"The thing is, baby, Steven and I have a relative who is close to being in heaven, and they live in a big state called Montana. We've been offered a position at a small church in Montana to help pay for our house so that we can take care of them, but unfortunately, because we aren't sure if your parents are going to come back for you, we have to leave you here with another nice family."

"You're going without me?" I whimpered. "Mommy, take me with you!"

"Sweetheart," Mommy's voice shook, her eyes pooling with tears. "We can't afford it, baby. And you need to be here for when your mommy and daddy come for you. Your social worker already has a new home for you."

"But you're my mommy and daddy!" I shrieked, gaining the attention of the other customers.

"No, pumpkin," Daddy's voice was uneven as he held in a sob. "We aren't. And we have to go away."

My eyes fluttered open, the smell of that summer night fading from my senses. I started to sit up, but a dull ache from my ribs quickly halted all progress and I continued to lay there, staring up at the beautiful ceiling. Turning my head to the side, I saw a bouquet of daisies and hydrangeas on my nightstand and I smiled. I reached for the scrap of parchment. 

Get well soon! Love, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ginny, and Ron.

I smiled. The feeling of being wanted and cared for swelled my chest with happiness, and the last remnants of abandonment I'd been feeling after what I'd learned about my real parents and the memory I'd dreamed dwindled, though still pulsing in the back of my mind like usual.

Turning my head to the other side, I noticed that the bed next to me was occupied. Malfoy was propped up on pillows, a book in his hand. I could tell he sensed me looking at him, but he didn't move or acknowledge my presence.

"Oh good, you're awake!" Madame Pomfrey bustled over and felt my forehead with the back of her hand. Your friends have had a long week of worrying about you."

"A week?" I said in disbelief. I knew she had said it would be a week, but I barely remembered it. It had only felt like a few days to me.

"Well, of course, it isn't every day a student goes head to head with You-Know-Who, especially someone like you," she said winking at me knowingly. Sighing, she turned to Malfoy.

"And what is it today, Mr. Malfoy?"

He turned his head towards us, his puffy black eye visible to me now. 

Traitor: A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now