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I woke up groggy, fatigued from the late-night jaunt to Hogsmeade, but a sense of anticipation hung around my brain. For now, we wait. Until then, keeping up appearances included continuing the heaps of school work the professors so kindly bestowed on us.

"Did you hear?" Jenna babbled as we trudged toward the Great Hall for breakfast. "The Apparation instructor arrived at Hogwarts early this morning. Sixth years start classes with him during our first class period."

I'd read about apparition briefly in my courses before but didn't know how I felt about it. The only teleportation I'd seen on TV was in Star Trek, and something told me that this was going to be much more complicated and advanced than just clicking a button on a monitor, especially for someone like me whose magic was often erratic. I didn't work as the other students here in so many ways, and the risk of "splinching" - or apparating to two different places at once and ripping your own body apart - was extremely high. Nevertheless, I waved to Professor Wilkie Twycross on my way in anyway. Maybe if I got in his good graces he wouldn't be too hard on me for my likely ineptitude, DA meeting magic training or not.

I crossed to the Gryffindor table, patting Jenna's shoulder to let her know I'd be over to ours in a second. Harry's face was buried in a tattered book, and it took a few times calling his name before he looked up, snapping the cover closed.

"Hey, Harry," I joked. "You look a little different this morning. Didn't know you liked..." I peered at the cover. "Advanced Potion Making all that much."

"Oh," he chuckled, but it seemed forced. "I'm just really into it this semester I guess. Slughorn is less of a hassle."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe to you, oh Chosen One, but not to all of us." I plopped onto the bench.

He grimaced. "Listen, I know you and Malfoy have your ups and downs, but I heard something the other night after Slughorn's party that was concerning. Voldemort has definitely given him a task, and I need you to promise me you won't get wrapped up in it."

I hoped my face didn't turn red, though I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Harry always knows a little too much about everything, but not enough to be a full threat. If I wasn't trying to help Draco, and if the stakes for his task weren't so high, I would be impressed with Harry's aptitude. Before I could get the chance to make up a lie or a half-truth, Ron sprinted toward us and sat on the bench, crouching to hide behind Harry.

"You've got to hide me," he exclaimed, breathing heavily from his run. "I just need a few moments alone and Lavender will not let up."

"I thought you liked her, mate," Harry chuckled.

"My lips are getting sore, Harry! All she wants to do is snog and Mum is gonna kill me if my grades slip even more. I just need to lay low before we head out this afternoon for the Burrow." Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes from across the table, stabbing her potatoes aggressively. Ron pretended not to notice, turning to me. "Seriously, Azalea. If you don't come to Christmas, Mum's gonna send you a Howler. Please."

I sighed. I didn't want to leave Hogwarts. Who am I kidding. I didn't want to leave Draco. But I also craved the community of family and knew I would do well to have a moment in the cozy home.

Hermione leaned over to me as well. "It'll be good for you. You might get a sweater! Just come."

"Fine," I smiled. "Let me get some things packed."

I rose from the bench only to run smack into Theo, who was walking toward me. He grunted in discomfort, then shot me a grin. "You've been avoiding me."

I scowled in response and attempted to walk by him, but he stopped me. "Write to your father. Or he's going to come for you."

Traitor: A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now