4. Suspenseful glares

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I pondered on what Kyle had said, they wanted to mate with me cause I'm half and half........is that what my father tried to do?? Is he a wolf?? I shook it out of my head and laid down on my bed.

The morning had hit and my mother still wasn't home.....weird. I decided to get dressed and wait for the bus to school. I walked outside in my short blue skirt, and black blouse, and patiently waited. Instead a car pulled up in front of me.....it was Kyle. He glared at me. I went towards him, he climbed out his car and opened the passenger door to let me in.

"Why are you picking me up, I take the bus." I asked him climbing into his suv truck.

"I'm here to protect you, and in order to do that I need to pick you up for school. "

I sighed and nodded my head. He glared at my legs and did a smirk.

"Nice legs." He said out of no where.

I blushed a deep red and smiled. We made it to the school. He opened my side door and helped me out. He stuck close beside me and never left my side. I think I have all of the same classes with him on purpose. He walked me to the first one, Griffin that was seated beside me glared at me, and licked his lips. I shivered, Kyle came in the back  and glared at Griffin.

"Get up." Kyle ordered him. But Griffin didn't budge he just laughed at him. Kyle growled and ordered him again, this time giving him a faint warning. But Griffin still didn't move. Kyle grabbed Griffin and stood him up, easily tossing him to the side. Griffin grunted as he hit the floor. Kyle took his seat and smiled at me, I smiled too. No more glares from Griffin for me.

The class ended, next my economic teachers class. I sighed as I had to see him again, chills went up my spine as I even thought about his name. We walked in there Kyle going in first with his defenses up. The teacher glared at me evilly. I sighed as I took a seat. The teacher threw threatening glares at me the whole class.

I tried to ignore him but his glares were uncomfortable.  The bell released the tension between us. I stood up, in a swift motion Kyle stood in front of me, blocking me from our teacher. 

"Move out the way Kyle." He ordered. Kyle didn't budge.

"If you try me........I will end your life." Kyle said under his breath. With that said he grabbed my arm and tugged me to our next class. I smiled a little, we reached our next class and took a seat, he had took a seat next to me. The teacher spoke outloud and assigned us work to do.

The lunch bell had rung, I went to lunch and grabbed a tray, paying the lady my money. We took a seat at a booth, I tore at my lunch like it was the last food on earth while Kyle just stared at me. I sighed and laughed when a piece of it fell onto my lap, making a stain.

" I have to wash this off." I told Kyle finishing up my food.

"I'm coming with you."

I shook my head no in protest. 

"Do you want the same thing that happened to you yesterday happen again?" He asked me in a mild tone of anger. I shook my head no. He followed me out the door and to the females bathroom. He followed me inside, closing the door.

"This is the females bathroom." I said shocked.

He didn't say anything he just crossed his arms.

I wet a paper towel and started to rub at the stain, smearing it.

"You don't rub you dab..." He say as he grabbed it from my hand put me on th sink and did it for me, softly dabing the spot. I was about to protest again but I held my tongue when he finished and let me off the sink. I smiled at him and walked towards the door before he grabbed my arm, and walked out first making sure no one saw him. I walked out after him.

The school day whisked right past me, he drove me home. On the way there he gripped the steering wheel tightly, as if trying to stop himself from doing something. He stole glances at me before keeping his glare on the road. We made it there, my mother still not home......

What the hell. I sighed.

"My mom isn't home yet...." I said my voice trailing off.

"I'll just stay with you until she make it home." He said pulling into my drive way.

"I can stay here alone, it's fine."

He ignored me and helped me out the car.

"Making me leave is not an option." He say as he helped me out his truck. I opened the door, he followed close beside me. I took a seat on the couch and sat there in silence not knowing what I should say next.

"It's so hard to control myself." He started not looking at me. "It's hard enough when you wear pants but, skirts, you're just asking for it." He say, not a single bit of laughter escaped his tone. I blushed not knowing what to say about that. I glared at him, he was looking at me now, but not at me, but at my legs. He then glared up at me and locked his glare with my eyes. He grabbed the couch firmly, forcing his hand not to touch me.

"It's so hard to control myself." he repeated.

I still didn't say anything, while staring at him I felt a little spark course through my stomach, and viens, making me shiver, but not from being cold. He came closer to me, closing up the little bit of space we actually had. His hand grabbed my arm softly, he leaned in towards my face and placed a gentle kiss onto my lips. Stunned I kissed him back. He parted from me, a tiny growl escaping his lips.

"I want you so bad." He eagerly kissed me again but this time hard, like he longed for me. I kissed him back, feeling that sane longing within myself. I couldn't stop myself. He placed his arm around me picking me up, I swiftly put my legs around him, he started to walk upstairs towards my room and placed me onto my bed. He was on top of me now, running his hands gently through my hair. He then got from me backing up.

"I can't do that,  no I won't let myself get carried away with you." He say as he paced around the room. I sat up on my bed closing my legs.

"Okay. " was all I could say. I was blushing a deep red. He sighed and apologized for his actions. I forgave him, even though I liked it, he didn't have to apologize for making out with me.

The night prolonged, my mom still a no show, I took a shower and fixed myself some food. Kyle was still there. I went to my bed and laid down, sleep threatening to over take me.

"It's okay, go to sleep, I'll stay awake beside you."He said calmy, I nodded my head and let sleep over flow me with endless dreams......


He came towards me with those eyes of his. He grabbed me and pinned me to the bed, licking my neck.

"Dad, stop it, you're hurting me." I moan, trying to escape his clutches on me.

"Don't worry sweet daughter, it'll be over soon."

I closed my eyes as he continued to tickle me with his horrid fingers, and give me soft kisses here to there. Now 16, my woman features have began to show more clearly. He groped me, making me shudder with unwanted satisfaction.........

I shot up breathing heavily from my nightmare, my mind was in circles, knowing that it wasn't a dream but a memory. Kyle stared at me, his eyes were restless.

" You had a nightmare?" He asked.

"More like a memory."  I said shuddering from it. He tried to hold me but I shied away from him, almost falling from my bed. He caught me but fell with me on the floor. He was on top of me, his breathing was slow and steady while mine was frantic. He helped me up, back onto the bed and held me close to his chest. Making me calm down.

"I got you, do you want to talk about it?"He asked me. I shook my head no. He nodded his head. I fell back to sleep, a tear slipping from my eye.

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