10. Complete Bond

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"I thought you were different..." I say as he put a collar around my neck. He just smirked and glared at me.

"We all think things, but its not always right."

I bowed my head as he was finished strapping me down.

"I am inutile value to you." I say bitterly.

"No, you are much value to me, see what you don't know is, we are in battle, the more half bloods we can control, the more we can win this battle. Remember when I told you thugs came and murdered my parents, well they weren't really thugs, they were Datter wolves, the part of wolf you are, they came and tortured them, they beat them, raped them and sooner or later killed them, I don't know why they have done it, and I don't really care, I just wanted it to be over." His voice rose and lowered into a horrid tone.

"Did you know that I was a Datter wolf?" I asked in a small voice.

"Yes I did, I knew you were one of them, that's why I seduced you into letting me bite you, I knew you wouldn't go on for the ride if I just bit you without you wanting it, because I knew your father was training you up for it, so I just went the hard way which turned out to be the easiest way."

He connected a leash to my collar and tied me to a bed post I was being treated like a dog.

"Let me go. " I ordered him, but he didn't listen. He tied my hands and feet down,  so I couldn't move them.

"Once I complete the bond between us, there's no going back, you'll be a full wolf and under my complete control."

He done the same thing my father used to do to me,  and he smiled.

"Do you know who murdered your mother?" He asked me as he continued. I shook my head no.

"I did, I murdered her." Hearing those cruel words pour out of his mouth made me so weak and stiff. I wanted nothing but hear him scream.

"With your mom gone,  I will finish off your dad, but I can't do it alone.... that's where you come into play."

He got on top of me.

"Time to complete that bond." 

I screamed loudly.........I hated him.


The bond was complete,  I could feel the power surging through my arms and legs.

I felt stronger and more powerful. I heard a growl deep into my chest I just wanted to use that power. I easily broke the binds that held me down, I stood up and went towards Kyle who I surely hate. He smiled at m, looking like Frankenstein with his new creation. I lunged at him, changing into my wolf, but I stopped, I couldn't hurt him. He just stood there and smiled somemore.

"You can't hurt your master, as much as you want to, your bond to me is unbreakable." He boasted. "Now sit down."

I did as he say, I didn't want to but my wolf did. He clapped his hands and smiled.

"Now...let's get your father shall we?"


I was back into my regular body, I didn't need restraints or chains, cause just the sound of his voice will make me do anything. We were walking among the woods, back to my old house where my father stay.

I had a scowl on my face, I didn't Ike the idea that we were hunting down my father. Even though he went the worst way about training me, I rather be with him than get controlled by Kyle.

"Those wolves that attacked you were Datter wolves. They wanted to mate with you cause you had the same blood flowing through your viens and because of me, the didn't want you to mate with a Balter wolf cause of the war." He said randomly. I didn't care. I could care less.

There were other half bloods behind me, that were also mated to Kyle, yes he had more than one. Then he had his whole tribe of Balter Wolves, ready to attack.

We reached my father's house, he was already outside, like he was waiting for us. I gasped as the whole Datter wolves were behind him.

"Give me back my daughter." My father pleaded.

"She's not yours anymore, the bond is complete."

My father glared at me.

"How could you, knowing all there is to know about them and you still do it." His voice was filled with hate.

"I didn't say she wanted it, I simply forced her, hearing her screams were lovely to my ears."

"Fucking bitch." My father snarled.

"Tear him to shreds." He spoke low into my ear. I stumbled forward to my father, I couldn't control myself. I changed into my wolf and pounced on my father. My teeth were just inches away from his throat.  He changed into his wolf and defended himself. This was going to be a fight to the death.

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