6. Back from the past

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"Dad, that feels weird.. this is weird......can you stop, I want to go to bed." I whined. He was feeling on me again, his eyes were focused on my developing body.

"Shut up Taylor, you will go to bed when I say so." He fussed at me. I had enough of this treatment from him. I pushed his hand away from my lower body. He glared at me, his eyes were menacing and threatening.

"How dare you push my hand away, I am your father and you will do as I say." He growled placing his hand back there. I softly moaned but pushed away his hand once again. As he was seated beside my bed, he climbed on top of me, forcing his hand there again, this time making it hard for me to push his hand away.

"Dad, please stop." I pleaded with him.

He didn't utter a single word but kept at it with his fingers, making my body have unwanted pleasant tingles......

"Taylor...honey,  are you awake now?"

It was my father's voice, his taunting voice filled my ears, and my soul with anger. I had fully awaken, I was on my bed......in my underwear.........just great.  I tried to sit up, my head started to bang, I held it grunting.

"Oh sorry about your head honey, I didn't want you running off, you know. Especially when your mother is dead, who will look after you?" He asked in a sweet voice.

"I'm 18, remember?" I told him. I knew he remembered it, he said from his own lips two months earlier.

"You are 18 now, which makes you legal,  and fully developed. You look nothing of your mother..... and you're nothing like your mother...........your mother with her long blondish hair, she's not the same as you. You are more precious than she will ever be."  He said putting his hand onto my face, making me feel extremely uncomfortable. His face had come nearer to mine until our lips connected I pulled away from him, making a sound of disgust.

"What are you doing?" I had asked him as he came closer to me, his long black hair bouncing up and down from his shoulders. He frightened me more than anyone. He hits me making me fall down.

"Yes I remember." He say smiling. He took a seat beside me. He touched me but I flinched away.

"Where's Kyle?" I asked him.

"Oh, he is fine don't worry little bug." He sighed.

"You know, all those years, I prepared you to be something more than what you would be." He started a little smile appeared on his face.

"By what, molesting me?" I asked a little bitterness seeped from my tongue.

"No, I don't call it me molesting you my sweet daughter, but if you put it that way." His smiled as vanished, he brushed his shoulder length hair from his eyes, with his hands.

"What were you preparing me for?" I asked a bit curious.

He turned towards me and his subdued smile appeared again.

"For you to be my wife."

My eyes grew wide, my own flesh and blood wanted to marry me?? Ewwww.

"Umm no....." I started then I just remembered something.

"You killed my mom." I said not even asking.

He didn't reply to me he stood up and went towards the door.

"Answer me." I demanded. He still didn't reply, I heard the lock.

"Answer me." I yelled I stand  up and walked towards him. I beat on his chest.

"Answer me fucker!."

He grabbed my hands, his grip tightened. He sniffed my neck and did a little growl. He threw me on the bed easily, he pounced on me before I could get up. He opened his mouth, sharp fangs grew there. I squirmed as he was about to bite my neck. The door was kicked opened. A low menacing growl escaped Kyles throat. Kyle lunged at my father, once he was down Kyle grabbed me and run full speed to his truck, he sped off, not wanting to linger around.

"Are you okay?" He aked me, but not looking my way cause I was in my underwear.

"Yea, I'm fine."

"Who was that back there?"

" My father."

Kyle looked my way then.

"He's a wolf, mystery solved, I can tell why he wanted you. He imprinted on you and he would stop at nothing to have you as his."

I sighed tears welded in my eyes.

"But that's my own flesh and blood, that's wrong, and disturbing to think about." I complained.

"Where are we going?" I asked changing the subject.

He just smiled at me and continued on the road.

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