12. Flesh and blood

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Kyle glared at me with those eyes of his, the ones that I had fallen in love with. My stupidity got the best of me. I growled deeply ready to end his foul existence,  and be rid of his seducing smile and gazes. I stopped in front of him, my father stood there his wolfs head focusing on Kyles weak human body.

"End him."

My father's voice echoed in my ears. I was on top of him, my large teeth near his head. He didn't flinch or falter, he continued to glare at me. I was about to end him, but I stopped I changed back to my human form, I was still on top of him, tears filled my eyes.

"I can't kill you,even though you used me and hurt me, my love, my side of all this was real towards you, I love you." I say my tears were falling. Everyone was still fighting around us.

"I can't end your life, just because we are enemies doesn't mean shit to me, just because you used me doesn't mean shit to me, I love you Kyle, and if you don't care, I don't care if you don't cause I love you, the first moment our lips met, that's when I knew that I love you, that's never going to change." 

I got up from him, he stayed where he was, and stared after me.

"You saved my life....now I will save yours."

I felt my father's harsh glare stare down my back as I walked away.

"Taylor, you are making a mistake, child." My father called after me. I didn't pay him any mind, I didn't care if I was making a mistake, my feelings for Kyle, it'll never change.

I heard a growl, I turned around to see my father lunging at Kyle, Kyle just laid there accepting his fate. It was as if it were in slow motion, I sprinted towards him, I couldn't stop running. Before I reached them another wolf tackled my father, I heard his large body make contact with the forest ground. I heard teeth and claws and growls from the both of them, I turned into my wolf ready to attack the daring wolf that threatened to end my father's life. But I was tackled as well, a wolf was on me, trying to bite me, trying to end me. I fought her off pretty well. And in that moment, a ear splitting high pitched whine escaped from my own flesh and blood, he let out a whine, then it subsided into a growl, then it died down to nothing....all fighting have stopped, no one moved a muscle.

Everything was quiet..........

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