5.A message

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I have awoken on Kyles chest, he was still awake, and glaring at me. I blushed as I departed from his chest.

"Were you staring at me the whole time?" I asked him.

"Yes I was, you were squirming in your sleep. Did you have another nightmare?" He asked me. I shook my head no, lying.

He grunted, knowing that I had told a fib, I stood up and went to go get dressed, taking my clothes with me to the bathroom. As I am changing Kyle opens the door, and see me in my underwear. I gasped as he just stood there.

"Get out, what the fuck dude." I yelled out grabbed a nearby towel and covered my body.

"Sorry I didn't know you were getting dressed." He say obviously lying.

"You don't have to lie." I said, crossing my arms.

"And you didn't have to lie this morning, I knew you had a nightmare, but you lied about it. "

He did have a point, but I seriously didn't need him knowing if I had a nightmare or not.

"Can you get out?" I asked him, growing annoyed. He closed the door behind him and came towards me.

"You don't have to shy away from me Tay, I won't hurt you." He say calmly. He came towards me and touched my hair. He tilted my chin up and kissed me gently, his hands sliding down to my waist. I sighed out of nervousness, he pulled me close to him making me shiver again, my hormones were raging.

"Why must you tease me?" He asked softly into my ear. I didn't say anything but enjoyed his longing embrace. He pulled away from me, and exit out the bathroom. I continued to get dressed, I walked out and there he was seated at the couch watching a movie.

There was no school today due to the weekend. Still no show of my mother, I decided to finally call her, see where's she located. But before I could pick up the phone, Kyle turned to the news channel.

"And this is where, a young woman by the name of Shellie Tolls,was found laying on the ground, her car is clawed which it looks like an animal attack, she came and hit the tree instantly flying out the window, and she was beaten and bit by the savage beast. She was declared dead at the Yellow high hospital. This is Sam Thorn, and this was your news. "

Kyle turned off the television,and glared at me. I was already out the door, going to his car.

"You have to take me to that hospital." I say as calmly as possible.

"She was declared dead, they don't keep dead people there." Kyle said, not opening up the car.

"That's my fucking mother! I want to see if it's true, please open the door." I screamed jerking the trucks handle, trying to pry it open. I heard Kyle sigh before opening it and climbing in. He drove as fast as he could to the hospital. When we reached there I quickly went to the main desk and asked for her.

"I'm sorry honey but we moved your mother to a funeral home." The lady said popping her gum.

" Which one?" I asked.

"Peaches funeral home."

I nodded my head and headed out the door, Kyle drove there and walked there with me.

"Where's my mother?" I demanded.


I told them and they pointed to where I had to go. I opened the door, she was already in a casket, her funeral dates were already set. It's like someone planned this.

"No......this......this.....no."I sputter out, shaking my head. I went towards the none moving body. They cleaned her up the best they could, she still had claw marks on her arms that were neatly sewn back together. Her skin was paled, and she wasn't moving.

"Mo.....mmmmom." I whined out tears catching in my eyes.

"Mom!" I started to scream, I went towards her but not that far when Kyle grabbed me quickly. I tried to fight him, but it was no use. He dragged me out of the funeral home and strapped me into the truck. He quickly left there without even thinking twice about it.

I made it home and went towards the front door. A note was neatly placed on the door handle.

"I will always find you, and I will always have you. Xoxoxoxoxo." It read, I recognize the hand writing. How the hell did he....???

He didn't kill my mother......did he?? I crumbled up the paper and headed inside. Kyle was close beside me, it was dark inside the house.....I didn't turn off the light when I left from here.

"Long time no see Taylor, I was trying to find you." A familiar voice echoed through the house. I knew that voice.

"Want to play a lil game with daddy.....?"

No, he couldn't have, have found us. He was seated on the couch, had his legs crossed and his hands folded within eachother. I turned to Kyle but he was no where to be found. When I turned back around my father was standing there, closer to me.

"You haven't changed have you?" He asked. I swallowed back tears as he grabbed my hair and banged my head onto the wall. I blacked out quickly.

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